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Showdown season3 discussions - end of the sixth season and the start of the seventh season


Pro 1
One more of this weekly series with new stuff to talk about

Talk about

* Your general opinion about showdown at the moment
* what were the most memorable quarters you experienced/saw in the previous season
* how much you're playing
* season-ending-pulls
* The new prizes
* Or any other doubt, issues, goals, desires or concerns related to showdown.


All-Star 3
Just played 2 quarters daily.. that's it.. nothing much to talk abt
New rewards are nice.. wish they went back to 2 weeks though.. still surprised the rewards are so good...
Going to be interesting to see how many fans required for top 1000..
"Now introducing top 10000 reward". How hard would it be to include in that graphic "*Must reach legend tier to qualify" ? That's gotta still be a requirement, right?
You know what, though? I'm not even gonna complain, top 2500 gets 84 player, just gotta reach legend, but super misleading to a lot of people because we all know 10K people aren't reaching legend lol.


Pro 1
In next gen days I played a bit and returned to the superstar tier. 596k fans was enough for 1888th. 45-8 the W/L

weirdest quarter was winning 20-15 yesterday while the opponent lost 5-13, in a 84 vs 80. it was like all my players had a bronze level OBD. And haven't seen opponents losing by 8 in a while.

It seems the week finished with just 100 players in legend tier. I'm guessing 100th place got to legend and lost a game. otherwise it's too bad xD and there should be a lot of folks there in 100th-500th wondering why didn't they get a top500 prize, in case the legend requirement persists.

The new rewards seem good for this week. Are we sure they didn't an additional 0 to each one? xD

In case someone's yet to check It's*

85 fan booster for top1000
84 fan booster for top 2500
82-83 fan booster for top 5000
81-82 fan booster for top 7500
80 fan booster for top 10000

of course that should all be tied to a minimum of legend tier.
Still not complaining, but it'd be cool if they did dual bonus since these promos overlap. Gonna have to go down an OVR point just to get the bonus of 3 players lol. A Halloween coach would help, too, but don't see a set for him. Only one is the $10 Nelson


All-Star 3
Still not complaining, but it'd be cool if they did dual bonus since these promos overlap. Gonna have to go down an OVR point just to get the bonus of 3 players lol. A Halloween coach would help, too, but don't see a set for him. Only one is the $10 Nelson

Ya just realised abt the THREE players.. one would have been manageable.. even one master would be ok...lot of sd grinding ahead...
Just opped someone with an 85 Paul George with SD bonus so there's that card.

I lied about not complaining, I guess since I've only done objective games the past week or so I forgot how bad the gameplay can be in SD. Better rewards, at least.....hopefully it's worth wanting to punch my device lol


All-Star 1
I had the bonus with 3 Halloween players earlier, but idk if they somehow managed to break it since then without even doing maintenance.

The bonus was spitting out 12-13k fans, but since I had to destroy my bench to get it, even with 81 Jokic on the bench, I was at an 83 ovr. Grinded so damned hard to get to 84, and now it's useless in SD unless I drop a point. Dropping a point makes it that much harder because you're at a disadvantage against 84s and 85s, and at best even with 83s.

Removed the bonus and still proceeded to take Ls as an 84 when I shouldn't have. Guess I've reached my quota for games in the "x" amount of hours time period.

I've seen some say they couldn't even add the Nelson coach to their lineup because it crashes every time! Let's not be too shocked here, though. We know the motto with EA is sometimes "1 step forward, 2 steps backward"


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