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Showdown rewards


All-Star 3
Out of all 5 cards combined, these 5 110s have a total of 3 110 attributes. Three. THREE! Pure crap.
Really crap stats.. gotta say they didn't disappoint lol.. do they at least boost to 112 on the bench easily..
Fox has horrible stats


Rookie 1
Scalbrine 584 Primary 1603 Secondary +4 Blk to team
Laimbeer 580 Primary 1600 Secondary +4 Post to team
Ingles 576 Primary 1608 Secondary +4 Steal to team
Fox 573 Primary 1611 Secondary +4 Pass to team
Lavine 576 Primary 1629 Secondary + 4 SwC to team

I decided to go Scalabrine as every other player in my starting NBA line up was 111 (replacing Duncan). I hate to give up the clutch but now 5 - 111's starting.


All-Star 1
After all that's gone on...... After all that twit has said about his redesign of SD and these awesome players that you have to earn...... I'm sure as hell glad I didn't waste any effort on these 110s. What a crap show and a complete annihilation of what used to be a solid part of the game. Smh
Since they don’t like sticking with old ideas (even when they work), I really hope they change Showdown next season. I have a suspicion that they’ll neglect it, though, in favor of PvP.


Rookie 1
Nobody cared to notice that this set ends in 4 weeks and a day?

Seems like the new season has been pushed to the end of next month.

They wouldn't start the new season before those sets expire would they?


Pro 1
Nobody cared to notice that this set ends in 4 weeks and a day?

Seems like the new season has been pushed to the end of next month.

They wouldn't start the new season before those sets expire would they?

hmm...are they wanting to matching the start of the real nba season with the release of s4?


Rookie 1
My assumption is that it's an error....every other set ends in 1 week and 3 days....and the draft timer says 2 weeks.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Nobody cared to notice that this set ends in 4 weeks and a day?

Seems like the new season has been pushed to the end of next month.

They wouldn't start the new season before those sets expire would they?
In the past they have been known to make confusing set times with almost nothing from them on why that happened when it was eventually fixed


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Since they don’t like sticking with old ideas (even when they work), I really hope they change Showdown next season. I have a suspicion that they’ll neglect it, though, in favor of PvP.
They most definitely will neglect it for PvP that's the S3/S4 dev team's baby


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