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Showdown rewards


Rookie 1
I just looked at the Top 100, on a Friday, and it's just littered with 99-107 OVRs. Very few top lineups on there. I wonder why
A lot of people play PVP now and the people who played showdown stopped playing since wagner said that we need all 107s to complete one of the 110s. It's ridiculous. Now f2p players can,t get anything out of the 110s. That's why most people stopped playing showdown including me.


All-Star 1
Those are nerfed lineups. If you play SD you know why.........

I'm playing with my nerfed 108 ;). Getting better results than with the 110
Makes perfect sense but didn't even think about it bc I haven't given a crap about SD in a long while, outside of daily objectives.


Pro 2
I just looked at the Top 100, on a Friday, and it's just littered with 99-107 OVRs. Very few top lineups on there. I wonder why

I’m not on the leaderboard for the first time in a long time. Screw it. No point playing. I’d rather play premium pvp and get 100k rep points per tourney. At least those will be converted to new S4 currency. I’m sure the exchange rate will be offensive tho. I’ll probably play 4 or 5 games per day through Sunday, just for a little gameplay without the pvp lag.
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All-Star 1
I’m not on the leaderboard for the first time in a long time. Screw it. No point playing. I’d rather play premium pvp and get 100k rep points per tourney. At least those will be converted to new S4 currency. I’m sure the exchange rate will be offensive tho. I’ll probably play 4 or 5 games per day through Sunday, just for a little gameplay without the pvp lag.
That's what first got my attention bc I wanted to see your lineup. Having way more fun trouncing ppl in PVP while I rake in the Rep compared to SD. PVP, despite it's issues, is far more entertaining right now because of.....wait for it........ The REWARDS. Either a bunch of rep to get ready for S4 or trying to score some new players in Battleground packs. Both are kind of meaningless but im having fun with it. SD.... I don't even want to waste my stamina honestly


Pro 2
That's what first got my attention bc I wanted to see your lineup. Having way more fun trouncing ppl in PVP while I rake in the Rep compared to SD. PVP, despite it's issues, is far more entertaining right now because of.....wait for it........ The REWARDS. Either a bunch of rep to get ready for S4 or trying to score some new players in Battleground packs. Both are kind of meaningless but im having fun with it. SD.... I don't even want to waste my stamina honestly

Yep. I’m almost at 4.5mil rep due to pvp.


Rookie 1
I just looked at the Top 100, on a Friday, and it's just littered with 99-107 OVRs. Very few top lineups on there. I wonder why

The duos and Battleground kill the SD.

Top line ups busy making their collections get better and better, There is another way to earn better cards now, the SD card that take a lot of pain.

This duos? By tonight I'll be getting my chance to turn Murray and Jokic to 109 or Durant and Irving to 106. Actually good right? Haha. I don't have top line ups but keen I enjoy getting better cards more than getting shit Jersey or Court, which is either not auctionable or worth only 40k. By working on trading cards, we could make 1 mil a day,

Events like SD and LvL should actually be paying the biggest rewards in my opinion, but in fact? They reward players with NOTHING.

Do you also notice that in AH prices of cards 106-108 now drop around 20-30%, happen since this campaign came up, that's how it works... people in the player market only want to get better and better.
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All-Star 1
So much for that 50 foam finger claim.

View attachment 2607
I know I’m a little slow at times but htf does the first part about exchanging “all” of your 107’s jive with the part about you get to keep your 107’s? Is he saying you only exchange one 107 at a time for the 110 you want? But then what are the additional requirements for the 110?!


All-Star 1
No additional requirements. I think it's pretty clear
“If you have all 5 at 107 you exchange them into a set for a token”

I know (now) he was relating this back to TomH’s personal situation but why not just say, “You guys will be excited to learn there’s no additional requirement to upgrade a 107 SD Master to their respective 110 version!” No need to mention tokens, set etc. Clearly it just shows how out of touch bwags is with the game by not realizing how demoralizing the 5 FF requirement was for 107’s and not taking advantage of an easy opportunity to make players not hate him so much (by not hyping this news nearly as much as his Harden promo and SD changes prior). :rolleyes:


Pro 2
I know I’m a little slow at times but htf does the first part about exchanging “all” of your 107’s jive with the part about you get to keep your 107’s? Is he saying you only exchange one 107 at a time for the 110 you want? But then what are the additional requirements for the 110?!

My understanding - all 5 107s go into a set. Claim the set. That gives you a token and also releases the 107s. From there you pick which card you want to upgrade to 110 and do so with the respective 107 + the token.


All-Star 1
My understanding - all 5 107s go into a set. Claim the set. That gives you a token and also releases the 107s. From there you pick which card you want to upgrade to 110 and do so with the respective 107 + the token.
So only one possible then...makes more sense. Would've preferred a regular set for each that didn't require completing all the others but oh well. Don't really need them unless they boost easy and include bench boost.


Pro 2
So only one possible then...makes more sense. Would've preferred a regular set for each that didn't require completing all the others but oh well. Don't really need them unless they boost easy and include bench boost.

No team boost and/or ability will absolutely blow. Won’t make my starting lineup at any position. These 110s are the hardest to acquire in the game. I’m not expecting it but it will be hard to accept anyway. Zach has been under powered all season. I need a killer sg. 🤦‍♂️


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