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Rookie 1
I can't remember when it was, but at least one of the resets took a week or two longer than they initially thought. They probably don't want to lock themselves into a certain day or time for reset.

Such an amateur if they do that. I'm a new player 🤣. However, in a game with millions of players like PUBGm, there is no gap between one season and another. Simply the company get their work done before the time is due and when the new season is ready... players are simply given like a few hours no longer than a day for a full transition to the newest update as they update the app. It's also just for minor follow up and download.

So, I hope EA thinking a little smarter 🤣 because days off means missing income for them as well LOL


Rookie 2
Wow! What a dick move! What he doesn't get is that he killed SD! Since foam fingers were introduced I just quit playing SD altogether. I only play 1 match a day for the daily objective and completely gave up trying to get a 107. I feel terrible for people like T TomH who prepare and spend only to keep getting screwed! So campaigns have been awesome but he killed Legends/Ultimate legends, killed Flashbacks, now killed SD. Great work!

Brian is a real mf of a spoiler... took me like 10 weeks to get Laimbeer & Fox, and they are now merely on my bench. :S


Rookie 1
Such an amateur if they do that. I'm a new player 🤣. However, in a game with millions of players like PUBGm, there is no gap between one season and another. Simply the company get their work done before the time is due and when the new season is ready... players are simply given like a few hours no longer than a day for a full transition to the newest update as they update the app. It's also just for minor follow up and download.

So, I hope EA thinking a little smarter 🤣 because days off means missing income for them as well LOL

For Season 3, I believe the season ended on a Friday (7am EST Saturday if you will), and the new season kicked off on the Monday. It was Labour Day weekend.


Pro 2
Well EA Brian tweeted SD 110 Master “next week.” Great. A whole week to use the card. And, btw, another promo is coming. Huh????


Rookie 1
Well EA Brian tweeted SD 110 Master “next week.” Great. A whole week to use the card. And, btw, another promo is coming. Huh????

Makes sense re: another promo.....they aren't going to have a dead week with only SD and battleground to play. One last week to try and rake in a few extra $$$ with one more promo.
The last promo will last 4 or 5 days, so i dont think it will be any good. And i dont think they will let you grind a 110 ovr that easy, so another 109 Master.


Rookie 1
Brian is a real mf of a spoiler... took me like 10 weeks to get Laimbeer & Fox, and they are now merely on my bench. :S

Someone should tell that person to stop adding new contents such as cards.... I personally understand that they wanted to keep making money but the think is, this fine game should be made close to perfect first. Some kind of making what's been made functioned correctly.

I wonder if any of you realised since AH got fixed and the game started to add more of new things, now Battleground as well, the app crash even more often.



Rookie 1
This dude has to go. What’s a stronger synonym for arrogant??

Ridiculous! He should take a look at the data and he will realize a bunch of people just quit trying to get SD masters.

I'm new to this game but in less than 3 weeks I understand how greedy the team and developer behind this game.

This is game has good concept and fun, especially the AH. We all eager to dial our team and make get the best out of it.

But, the way they invented what so called 'promo' through campaign, is simply ways to earn $$$. Look at this current campaign, if you do the math right, I'm not really look into the table, Basic logic will simply explain that you need to spend at least $300-500 real money to get into 110 James and Russell. That's giving the time frame and the fact that some people doesn't save their in game cash, or simply new player like me.

However, as you mentioned about looking into data..... you have to know that for a business like this, when customers and service provider doesn't really interact directly, they don't care about any of our opinion.

The only thing that is matter for EA and NBALM team is, "does this update (new content like cards) adding some more profit to us? If yes, then keep the good work."

We could give them 1 star review online or thousands of complain, but if we keep giving them money? All they do is laughing.

I don't even do my SD campaign since I installed and play this game about 2-3 weeks ago. All I need is nailing the AH ways of work and what's the most efficient way to get the better cards.
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All-Star 1
This dude has to go. What’s a stronger synonym for arrogant??

View attachment 2568
What a holier-than-thou prick. The guy was expressing a valid opinion in a straightforward way....... And that's the response given? Jesus. Not to mention the guy was 100% correct. But since the downfall of SD was Brian's doing..... No way he's gonna lay claim to it being a disaster. Hope he gets a new job soon


Rookie 1
What a holier-than-thou prick. The guy was expressing a valid opinion in a straightforward way....... And that's the response given? Jesus. Not to mention the guy was 100% correct. But since the downfall of SD was Brian's doing..... No way he's gonna lay claim to it being a disaster. Hope he gets a new job soon

His work being able to keep making people eager for new cards through campaign and spend real cash to open a pack, might actually getting him a permanent job from EA 🤣.

It's the amount of money can be taken from customers that matter, not their feeling 😐. And I hate this fact


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