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[Seeking Help] North Pole Promo Strategy

oops, I already trained Bench Prince to 79,
which way is better, one is that get 2 86 + 3 85 starters and Korver (from 75 to 80), the other is that get 5 86 starters and 5 79 benches.

The "bench prince" you're looking at thats at 79 is the old Prince that used to be a starter before we got elites. all you gotta do is switch him with 75 Korver
oops, I already trained Bench Prince to 79,
which way is better, one is that get 2 86 + 3 85 starters and Korver (from 75 to 80), the other is that get 5 86 starters and 5 79 benches.

You have to have trained Prince to 79 in order to get your elite lineup. Just go back and start training Korver :)


Rookie 1
by the way , any suggestion for 85 OVR...plan to get two NP masters if possible.
it is best way to get 86-87-86-90-86 starters with bench 81-81-81-86-81, right?


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All-Star 3
Are the elite winter players only available through the store?

Yes they aren't auctionable

good day pls help. . can you tell what ovrs to target to have a 85 ovr north pole line up. . . .thanks
If u have coin,just buy oladipo cheap of the ah.. Then train whichever bench cards u have to 80/2 to get ur ovr to 85..
If no coin, then train ur starters to 87\88 and few of the bench to 81
This is assuming u already have a 90 in the np lineup


Rookie 1
Yes they aren't auctionable

good day pls help. . can you tell what ovrs to target to have a 85 ovr north pole line up. . . .thanks
If u have coin,just buy oladipo cheap of the ah.. Then train whichever bench cards u have to 80/2 to get ur ovr to 85..
If no coin, then train ur starters to 87\88 and few of the bench to 81
This is assuming u already have a 90 in the np lineup

im already 84 ovr just need to hit 85 so i can get my 2nd 90 . . .which i dont know what to train for to hit 85 :(


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