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Season 3 Complaint/Suggestion Thread


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
This was suggested but this is a thread just for issues you have with the game a place to not off steam or suggest changes but this is not the thread for bugs or glitches if you have any bugs or glitches to report please do so in the thread linked right below


Rookie 2
Re: Season 3 Complaint/Suggestion

I understand why the ah was changed. But elites are not selling even at prices lower than the market rate or even at market rate. The new ah logic makes card very illiquid. It's hard to sell and replace with new cards with that illiquidity.

Some old complaints.

Auto switch during rebounds the reaction time is just not fast enough. And sometimes holding the sprint button makes the player go away from.the ball instead of getting the loose balls.

Unrequited double teams that leads to fouls or open looks. I think this was improved. But double team should be manual not auto double team when we don't need it.
Re: Season 3 Complaint/Suggestion

As brought up in the Buzzer Beater thread, the AI can inbound to whichever player they want to, while we don't have that ability. Not to mention, after a made shot, the defender we control is automatically the PG. Since AI can inbound it to whomever, they just inbounded it to Kevin Love at half court where I could not see him because that part of the court is only revealed once the ball reaches there. Not only could I not defend Love, I was automatically controlling my PG. Kevin Love proceeds to hit a buzzer beating 3 at half court. I still won the quarter by 9. I proceeded to lose the SD match 24-26, so that 3 pointer really mattered.

Others have suggested at least allowing us to inbound to whomever we want. I recon it'd be easier to just program the AI to inbound only to the PG since that's the choice we have. Why? This way you also eliminate the "glitch/bug" of not being able to see past half court until the ball reaches there.


Rookie 2
Re: Season 3 Complaint/Suggestion

I would say that the SD rewards this season are simply not attractive.

That is a shame! For real!

Last season getting to superstar 1 & higher was really paying off. Now days, I just don't have the time to get to legend in 1 week. & the mid-level rewards are embarrassing.


Rookie 2
Re: Season 3 Complaint/Suggestion

one more thing:

I hate it when players layup to the bottom of the rim or shoot beyond the backboard.

they should reduce it significantly.


Pro 1
Re: Season 3 Complaint/Suggestion

Probably my last post for some time (I need a break from this game), so here it is...

1) the AH is not a market anymore neither even feels like one... it?s just a place where you have to guess how much EA is willing to pay for each card.

I feel like a lab-rat being squeezed for $$$, getting terrible deals out of it, in some horrible social experiment.

The AH was one of the main aspects in this game for me. The main aspect, now that I think about it. Now it?s gone. I would prefer if EA just announced the price (like in the ?Sell? option) and stopped jerking us around with SP?s and BN?s bullshit.

2) difficulty is too hard on 5v5 events and even on simple drills

It?s VERY frustrating losing a simple drill, with an 80 ovr that made 3 perfect shots.

3) gameplay is very frustrating

My players keep making stupid frustrating mistakes (even against teams with much lower ovr?s) that take the fun out of gameplay for me.

There are many more, but if they could solve these 3 (which I now doubt EA even wants to) I would consider getting back into the game. Right now I?m just going through the motions, giving the game some more time to improve somehow, but my expectations are very low and I don?t see myself getting past Xmas (which is when I plan to get me a PS4).

Remember when we payed first for the game (2K for me usually) and got endless hours of fun out of it? I remember playing full seasons with 48 min games. One time I think I played some 10 seasons (maybe with a lot of simulated results during regular season). What did those games cost? 20? 40?

Now it feels like they expect me to pay 50 per month!!! **** this... I?m not paying to feel like EA?s lab rat being milked for $.
Re: Season 3 Complaint/Suggestion

Probably my last post for some time (I need a break from this game), so here it is...

1) the AH is not a market anymore neither even feels like one... it?s just a place where you have to guess how much EA is willing to pay for each card.

I feel like a lab-rat being squeezed for $$$, getting terrible deals out of it, in some horrible social experiment.

The AH was one of the main aspects in this game for me. The main aspect, now that I think about it. Now it?s gone. I would prefer if EA just announced the price (like in the ?Sell? option) and stopped jerking us around with SP?s and BN?s bullshit.

2) difficulty is too hard on 5v5 events and even on simple drills

It?s VERY frustrating losing a simple drill, with an 80 ovr that made 3 perfect shots.

3) gameplay is very frustrating

My players keep making stupid frustrating mistakes (even against teams with much lower ovr?s) that take the fun out of gameplay for me.

There are many more, but if they could solve these 3 (which I now doubt EA even wants to) I would consider getting back into the game. Right now I?m just going through the motions, giving the game some more time to improve somehow, but my expectations are very low and I don?t see myself getting past Xmas (which is when I plan to get me a PS4).

Remember when we payed first for the game (2K for me usually) and got endless hours of fun out of it? I remember playing full seasons with 48 min games. One time I think I played some 10 seasons (maybe with a lot of simulated results during regular season). What did those games cost? 20? 40?

Now it feels like they expect me to pay 50 per month!!! **** this... I?m not paying to feel like EA?s lab rat being milked for $.

you won't find me disagreeing with you here but I remember you mentioned the lack of events that costs stamina the other day. I dont know if they will ever add more events that don't cost stamina (really would be nice) but I had more fun than I thought I would by just messing around in the stamina event. You really start to notice little small details that will change a shot lol. I especially figured out that damned fadeaway that the AI always does and is unstoppable (I know, it was explained in one of the event or tutorials earlier this season, but I didn't know it was such an effective shot. Growing up we were taught fading away was bad lol.)

Sure it only lasts less than a minute but it's easy to start a new one at least. Haven't missed a dunk one time in the event :oops: :oops:
Re: Season 3 Complaint/Suggestion

1) Lower stamina requirements: Currently I find myself logging in for less than 10 mins at a time. With no stamina requirements I find myself playing madden for hours at a time. If EA want people to stay logged in longer they need to seriously consider either reducing or eliminating stamina requirements

2) The AH is a mess this season and requires too much guess work trying to figure out min and max limits.

3) Gemaplay needs a major overhaul. I don't think I can play a 4th season if game play remains the same.


Rookie 2
Re: Season 3 Complaint/Suggestion

This was intentionally placed to force us to buy higher cards

But I dislike the bonus to high ovr players.

An 82 ovr team should have better stats than a 77 ovr team.

Ea is lazy and put random numbers that causes some lower cards to have better stats. Make it consistent a higher ovr team should be better without the extra bonus.

The extra bonus just makes showdown annoying.

Anther reason why ea places this advantage is because people tank their benches.

Make the bench useful. Instead of bench how about 2nd lineup. Or make something that requires us to use bench. Like fatigue or something.

Because ea is lazy and creates bench for no t much benefit. They added the ovr advantage as a quick fix.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Season 3 Complaint/Suggestion

This was intentionally placed to force us to buy higher cards

But I dislike the bonus to high ovr players.

An 82 ovr team should have better stats than a 77 ovr team.

Ea is lazy and put random numbers that causes some lower cards to have better stats. Make it consistent a higher ovr team should be better without the extra bonus.

The extra bonus just makes showdown annoying.

Anther reason why ea places this advantage is because people tank their benches.

Make the bench useful. Instead of bench how about 2nd lineup. Or make something that requires us to use bench. Like fatigue or something.

Because ea is lazy and creates bench for no t much benefit. They added the ovr advantage as a quick fix.

Overall advantage (and shooting percentages) were always bin the game but it wasn't visible to players until after the start of last season


All-Star 1
Re: Season 3 Complaint/Suggestion

1) Lower stamina requirements: Currently I find myself logging in for less than 10 mins at a time. With no stamina requirements I find myself playing madden for hours at a time. If EA want people to stay logged in longer they need to seriously consider either reducing or eliminating stamina requirements

This! Problems aside, I love that you can play OD matches 24 hours straight if that's what you want to do. Won't cost you anything but time & effort. That's how SD should be. They're trying to nickle & dime us on everything else.....how about letting us play some basketball (that's why we're here right?) without needing stamina or anything else.

I also like the fan system in Overdrive where every level you reach gives you more fans. In effect, if you took fans out if the equation, i think it works out that you have to win the same amount of matches to reach consecutive level. In SD you have to actually win more matches the higher you progress and that turns into a double whammy bc the higher you go....the more you face high level teams and lose. Now that we're in a place where elites are more common, I don't think you should have to hit 1.5 mil fans in a week for a base elite. That's a semi rip-off, esp that the player bonus only gives us 50% instead of 100%+ like in S2. Too much work in a week for too little reward
I agree with the comments, the bench is useless rn, only is there to lower our team's ovr, the gameplay is the worst part, my players just doesn't want to guard the other team players, even if i switch fast enough, the AI gets a open shot and even if the player has -99 3pt always goes in, now is even more common to see the unguardable layup animations, but in both sides though, still no fouls calls, still don't exist a lot of basic rules of basketball, we can't train normal players like season 2
I'm all for not making SD matches "too easy" but the brute force jam it down your throat by the AI HAS to change. There's so much in these matches that you simply can not stop, and that's one of them.


Rookie 2
Re: Season 3 Complaint/Suggestion

Overall advantage (and shooting percentages) were always bin the game but it wasn't visible to players until after the start of last season

really? surprising, cause it seems easier playing against a higher ovr during h2h, when showdown came out the higher ovr is very difficult. It could be because not everyone is taking it seriously.


Rookie 1
Re: Season 3 Complaint/Suggestion

one more thing:

I hate it when players layup to the bottom of the rim or shoot beyond the backboard.

they should reduce it significantly.

my embiid just drove in for a layup only to drive beyond the basket and lay it into the backboard....duh

and this was not driving in from the side, this was taking off from the free throw line!


Pro 1
Re: Season 3 Complaint/Suggestion

one more thing:

I hate it when players layup to the bottom of the rim or shoot beyond the backboard.

they should reduce it significantly.

my embiid just drove in for a layup only to drive beyond the basket and lay it into the backboard....duh

and this was not driving in from the side, this was taking off from the free throw line!

This happened to me as well around the time of this comment with Kevin Love.

It only happens to me when I'm attacking from right to left and my player drops it on the left side.

I guess one can try to finish it different with a different lay-up animation with the joystick movement, but the fact that this broken finish is a possibility is immediately a problem.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Season 3 Complaint/Suggestion

Overall advantage (and shooting percentages) were always bin the game but it wasn't visible to players until after the start of last season

really? surprising, cause it seems easier playing against a higher ovr during h2h, when showdown came out the higher ovr is very difficult. It could be because not everyone is taking it seriously.

Yeah really but not every game mode has the same difficulty so what you experienced could easily be the fact that H2H and SD weren't the same mode despite SD replacing H2H plus the extra 30 seconds might've had something to do with it
Does anyone know the key to not getting pulled a certain way by the defense? Sometimes if you drive the paint, the defender will literally drag you out of bounds and if you're lucky they say it's off of the defender. The same "drag/pull" happens a lot at the top of the key and FT line. I'm guessing it's some sort of animation to make it seem like the defender is playing good defense, but for you more experienced players, how do you avoid this? So far, my solution has been to just avoid those situations entirely, so 90+ percent of my game is the perimeter, except for fast break layups.


Rookie 1
It would be nice if running right to left in the shuttle run events let us see more of the court ahead of us. Running left to right you can easily see what's in front of you and make adjustments, but going right to left is a pain in the ass


Pro 1
Does anyone know the key to not getting pulled a certain way by the defense? Sometimes if you drive the paint, the defender will literally drag you out of bounds and if you're lucky they say it's off of the defender. The same "drag/pull" happens a lot at the top of the key and FT line. I'm guessing it's some sort of animation to make it seem like the defender is playing good defense, but for you more experienced players, how do you avoid this? So far, my solution has been to just avoid those situations entirely, so 90+ percent of my game is the perimeter, except for fast break layups.

Just try to keep the distance to avoid the contact. Or if you want to drive past someone, you gotta have the speed for it. But more often than not, other solution is just to stop pressing the run/drive button when you see it may happen, or not drive the way that prompts that steal-related animation

Anyway, for more suggestions, I could use a nba-today rep event like last year's, It could have minimal rewards in xp and coin. just rep.


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