Pro 2
Does anyone know the key to not getting pulled a certain way by the defense? Sometimes if you drive the paint, the defender will literally drag you out of bounds and if you're lucky they say it's off of the defender. The same "drag/pull" happens a lot at the top of the key and FT line. I'm guessing it's some sort of animation to make it seem like the defender is playing good defense, but for you more experienced players, how do you avoid this? So far, my solution has been to just avoid those situations entirely, so 90+ percent of my game is the perimeter, except for fast break layups.
Just try to keep the distance to avoid the contact. Or if you want to drive past someone, you gotta have the speed for it. But more often than not, other solution is just to stop pressing the run/drive button when you see it may happen, or not drive the way that prompts that steal-related animation
Anyway, for more suggestions, I could use a nba-today rep event like last year's, It could have minimal rewards in xp and coin. just rep.
This is pretty much what I try to do, it works for the most part.