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S3 End - S4 Start


Pro 1
it looks like they'll disable the AH later today

"In preparation for our season rollover, we will be disabling the Auction House posting this afternoon. Now's your chance to make purchases or sales before AH closes on 10/13."
So when they say players transfer they also mean players in our inventory? If so then do the players in our other lineups get transferred as well? Or do we have to take them out of the lineups?


Rookie 1
so, the players of all lineups are kept to S4, and others players and coins will be discarded to S4, right?
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
so, the players of all lineups are kept to S4, and others players and coins will be discarded to S4, right?
No.you keep everything toke s and rep are turned into currency while all players can be used on the multi-year lineup and you keep your coins


Rookie 1
I remember seeing the item limit once but can't recall -- sorry to be that guy but can someone link it or state it? Thanks....

Easiest way to check your current inventory is to go to the Auction House in the Sell tab.

There is a counter that tells you your current inventory and the limit which is 1200 as Anatdoc stated above


Rookie 1
I'm so mad on't know why I thought we had until regular maintenance. I don't know why I never learn........


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
You need to be below the item limit, however, or you will lose items starting from bronze and moving up.
Welp looks like they'll cut about 800 of mine out in that case I wished I exchanged all my low ones to make that mark because I had over 1600 collectibles alone


Rookie 1
Does anybody have a last minute screenshot of the LvL Leader Board cause I was asleep (time zone) when the season ended............


Rookie 1
Much appreciate it man Thx...
I was looking for the middle of the board actually places between 55 and 65 though,,,,,


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