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Road To MVP Harden Chapter 3 FINALLY Here


Rookie 2
I'm starting to think getting the 99 with 10% is going to be tough. I have a player with an ability I can use but just getting to that point just by grinding is starting to seem unlikely.

The consensus before the promo began was that only the 99 would be grindable and I think that's pretty much the case unless some extra content is added.

So thank you EA for a free 99.
But I'd say: over-marketing campaign by EA!
This after all yet another 99 player as GOTW players Whiteside or CP3 nothing more.

It is arguable if people rather have the 99 with no clutch vs the 96 with clutch.


All-Star 3
99 Harden misses like crazy, like the LNY edition did at times. I even missed a couple mid-range shots in a drill, +22% open (no defender present) perfect shots.
Does Harden have a special ?brainfreeze? stat or something?

Right now I?m planning on completing the basic 99 version only. It?ll probably be a bench warmer. A bit disapointed by this, but at least I haven?t spent any cash on it yet, so it?s ok.

Somebody bought the starter pack!

The events are nerfed. I'm missing shots with a lot of players. Until you play SD or lvl with him you won't know for sure. Brian is on record saying this is easily the best card they've released to date. And I don't think he meant because of clutch and boosts. Only a matter of time before the big spenders have the clutch version so we will know long before we have to worry about whether to grind out the coin boost set or not. Either way, might as well play the promo.
Just lost 100 stamina on the 50 blitz. First harden bricked an open 3.. then missed a layup..
U give us a 3 minute blitz but nerf the 3s .. wonder what sadistic pleasure they get..
And i doubt we can ever take an EA employees claim of a best card.. remember the hyper they put out before summer courts dr j.. all bcz he had great boosts


Rookie 3
for the 50 stamina event, i move PG to the side, let them shoot, grab the reb, pass, and usually open for the layup/dunk


Rookie 1
99 Harden misses like crazy, like the LNY edition did at times. I even missed a couple mid-range shots in a drill, +22% open (no defender present) perfect shots.
Does Harden have a special ?brainfreeze? stat or something?

Right now I?m planning on completing the basic 99 version only. It?ll probably be a bench warmer. A bit disapointed by this, but at least I haven?t spent any cash on it yet, so it?s ok.

Wait... how did you complete 99 harden without spending cash? I?ve been grinding the $hit out this promo and have not missed a stamina and I?m only at 97.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
99 Harden misses like crazy, like the LNY edition did at times. I even missed a couple mid-range shots in a drill, +22% open (no defender present) perfect shots.
Does Harden have a special ?brainfreeze? stat or something?

Right now I?m planning on completing the basic 99 version only. It?ll probably be a bench warmer. A bit disapointed by this, but at least I haven?t spent any cash on it yet, so it?s ok.

Somebody bought the starter pack!

The events are nerfed. I'm missing shots with a lot of players. Until you play SD or lvl with him you won't know for sure. Brian is on record saying this is easily the best card they've released to date. And I don't think he meant because of clutch and boosts. Only a matter of time before the big spenders have the clutch version so we will know long before we have to worry about whether to grind out the coin boost set or not. Either way, might as well play the promo.

Big time spenders (or cheaters) got him already


Rookie 2
So I am FTP.
Just finished 99 base Harden by grinding + some coins + some rep + some cash.
Cash part was a mistake...
In the remaining 5 days, there's no way I'll finish even the II coins boost sets using only grinding, let alone the mid range boost.

So I might get to 68% coin boost, but that's it..
This promo is done for me...

Am I missing anything?


Rookie 3
Same boat, but if i will be like 20 elite short and there will be some reasonable packs in the store like 2x or 3x value, i would spend some money to complete the harden with ability + a 98 and 95 cards. Playing harden on manual is not bad at all, just need to adapt to current gameplay (though at most times i am forgetting this and like shooting 3s all game which of course most will brick...haha).


All-Star 3
So I am FTP.
Just finished 99 base Harden by grinding + some coins + some rep + some cash.
Cash part was a mistake...
In the remaining 5 days, there's no way I'll finish even the II coins boost sets using only grinding, let alone the mid range boost.

So I might get to 68% coin boost, but that's it..
This promo is done for me...

Am I missing anything?

Nope. I didnt use coin or rep for that reason. Figured i would end with the 99 with a day to spare..
Similar approach to ewing.. will need the coin packs as u need 4 tokens a day to get to the 99 .. but u can leave the bonus packs unopened


Pro 1
99 Harden misses like crazy, like the LNY edition did at times. I even missed a couple mid-range shots in a drill, +22% open (no defender present) perfect shots.
Does Harden have a special ?brainfreeze? stat or something?

Right now I?m planning on completing the basic 99 version only. It?ll probably be a bench warmer. A bit disapointed by this, but at least I haven?t spent any cash on it yet, so it?s ok.

Wait... how did you complete 99 harden without spending cash? I?ve been grinding the $hit out this promo and have not missed a stamina and I?m only at 97.

I didn?t. I meant on the events/drills you get him loaned. I?m missing shots on those.
The loaned Harden is nerfed. He's a beast in SD. My ai improved a lot with him in my lineup. I faced 2 98 ovr today (i'm 97 ovr), lost both quarters but only by 3 & 4 pts margin. Ended winning both global.


Pro 1
The loaned Harden is nerfed. He's a beast in SD. My ai improved a lot with him in my lineup. I faced 2 98 ovr today (i'm 97 ovr), lost both quarters but only by 3 & 4 pts margin. Ended winning both global.

It?s possible. I already got the 99 and he does well on SD.

But why would EA nerf it? Mistake? Trying to make the event challeging? It just makes it look like the card sucks!


All-Star 1
The 97 version has been much better for me than LNY clutch. Close to getting the 99.

@Alta: does it sound better coming from someone else?! Haha
The 97 version has been much better for me than LNY clutch. Close to getting the 99.

@Alta: does it sound better coming from someone else?! Haha
I've had the opposite experience. I can't shoot well with the 97 and prefer the LNY Harden for shooting. I'm praying the 99 is not like that for me.


Rookie 3
Shooting is nerfed for everyone and mvp harden, detlef, 100 bird are the only few that i guess probably have better chance on making 3s than the rest. I think this is because they are promoting their dunk packges and they want to change the gameplay from 3s to driving/dunking.


Pro 1
The 97 version has been much better for me than LNY clutch. Close to getting the 99.

@Alta: does it sound better coming from someone else?! Haha

Now now, we?re not discussing the same thing here. Besides, i never disagreed with you on the main points. I know gameplay differs a lot from mode to mode. The thing is that, for you, only SD and LvL are relevant. For me they are all relevant (not enjoying as much SD and LvL as you) and it particularly pisses me off missing easy drill shots with ?easily the best player in the game atm?.


Rookie 1
I honestly think players gameplay performance is different for different users. For example 96 ovr LNY Harden is playing much better for me than the 97 ovr campaign Harden.


All-Star 1
I honestly think players gameplay performance is different for different users. For example 96 ovr LNY Harden is playing much better for me than the 97 ovr campaign Harden.

Ahhh that's just bc LNY Harden knows he has clutch so he's more confident out there. Hidden stats man ;-p


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