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Reset Information: Season Score & Legacy Lineups


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
8-22-18 Update
Here is the date S3 will release as well as a rough estimate on when the will shut down for maintenance to do the reset

Here is the info on how many cards in your locked lineup will be part of the legacy stuff next season

End of 8-22-18 Update



Season Score details:











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All-Star 3
Re: Season Score

Going to be tougher to complete this season..level alone is really tough unless huge xp events turn up


Rookie 1
Re: Season Score

No lvl wins are counted, my achievements score is ranked at zero 6/100 but I only have 6 to go. I?ve reached Legend in every SD season but I still don?t have enough tokens for a single a Titan and now this will be the last season.

And how are we supposed to be able to get to 110 ovr when we have less than 4 weeks to go and we don?t even have 105?s to be able to train that far?

How can I have only 18/40 tickets when I?m 67/100 for levels, that?s way over halfway?

What?s the point of playing for 7/8 weeks before the reset if you can?t make your team better, because we know that a few extra tickets means exactly bugger all difference to your startup team for the next season.

Pretty unhappy.
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

Do we get to keep our bench? The information is a bit thin this year.

The ticket requirements are ridiculous but I had 200 tickets last season and didn't get anything good.

I rerolled shards to get Lowry. I'm hoping to pick up a few more Titans but I'm disappointed that I won't get to use them much. I have no idea why they thought Bogdan Bogdanovic was a good choice as the final Showdown reward.


Rookie 3
Staff member
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

Maybe the line-up? need to be set but the season won?t end just yet?

4 weeks feels a bit short..


All-Star 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

What is everyone's season score? I'm at 137 with OVR (currently 100) at 43/65, Level (currently 80) at 24/40 and goose eggs on Achievements and Leagues. All others are complete.

Is Achievements just completing Live Events?
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

I have 0/10 achievements with only 8/100 achievements completed which makes no sense! It looks the achievements bug is still going strong!?


Pro 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

Aren't there Legacy events now, for veterans who already completed a season?

A post with screenshots of those events would be very appreciated, by me and surely by other first-time players.


Pro 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

Aren't there Legacy events now, for veterans who already completed a season?

A post with screenshots of those events would be very appreciated, by me and surely by other first-time players.

It's two minutes against a random team, just like a quarter of a season game, except the score starts with 90-93 or similar.

Opponents are also the silvers you see in season mode.


Pro 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

What is everyone's season score? I'm at 137 with OVR (currently 100) at 43/65, Level (currently 80) at 24/40 and goose eggs on Achievements and Leagues. All others are complete.

Is Achievements just completing Live Events?

134, level 74 giving 21, so there's the difference.

There is one thing called achievements in the game and I have them all complete. I'm guessing it only counts recent achievements, so anyone that started recently should have a lot there. I only have 3/100. and I'm guessing that comes from the 99 franchise achievements which were the last to get and not that long ago. I'm guessing they'll fix that soon - hopefully they do something with league as well.


Rookie 2
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

Ok so I guess its time to blow all my coins abd up my OVR as high as possible and Enjoy the last 4 weeks of the season


Rookie 2
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

Feels like a month too early, but whatever. I'd rather have this season end as soon as possible. Won't really bother with the season tickets either cause last year's rewards were very weak.


All-Star 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

There is one thing called achievements in the game and I have them all complete. I'm guessing it only counts recent achievements, so anyone that started recently should have a lot there. I only have 3/100. and I'm guessing that comes from the 99 franchise achievements which were the last to get and not that long ago. I'm guessing they'll fix that soon - hopefully they do something with league as well.
Yeah, same here. Guessing you're right and that we completed them before they started counting towards season achievements.


All-Star 3
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

136;43/65; 23/40[78]; 0/15 lvl; 0/10 on achievements(all done)

Alt account 4/10 achievements all live event targets still remaining
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

The reset is in October people. It's on the EA blog.

Lineups lock is in 4 weeks cause they know if they do that the final day they will mess up badly lmao.


All-Star 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

Same crap, different day for EA. Giving us more broken things, a new promo/ program set with nothing to actually do, no REAL info about the reset. You'd think that they would be prepared, knowing that this was coming.....since they control the entire game and all.

At this point I expect them to drop a crazy amount of new players on us.....and try to charge us for most of them


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