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Reset Information: Season Score & Legacy Lineups


All-Star 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

The reset is in October people. It's on the EA blog.

Lineups lock is in 4 weeks cause they know if they do that the final day they will mess up badly lmao.

I just read the blog post a 2nd time and nowhere does it include the word OCTOBER. We're you reading last seasons blog?


All-Star 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

I've also completed every achievement but I only have 12/100. So what? EA screws up everything, so I'm not about to make assumptions


All-Star 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

Furthermore, there's absolutely no reason to lock the lineups & then let us play for another month. Why would I make my lineup up better if it wouldn't carry over to next season.....since it was already locked?
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

Curious: Did you play S1? What is the benefit of a legacy lineup? I?m sure s3 could change but wondering if it?s just about having a ?trophy case? to be able to ogle in the new season or there is actual value to a legacy lineup.

Furthermore, there's absolutely no reason to lock the lineups & then let us play for another month. Why would I make my lineup up better if it wouldn't carry over to next season.....since it was already locked?


All-Star 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

Curious: Did you play S1? What is the benefit of a legacy lineup? I?m sure s3 could change but wondering if it?s just about having a ?trophy case? to be able to ogle in the new season or there is actual value to a legacy lineup.

Furthermore, there's absolutely no reason to lock the lineups & then let us play for another month. Why would I make my lineup up better if it wouldn't carry over to next season.....since it was already locked?
No value...I could give two shits about my legacy lineup NOW even though at the end of season 1 I was upgrading like a mad man and trying to earn every last ticket. I think that's when my EA cherry popped - first day of season 2 when I realized how worthless those ******* tickets turned out to be. Pathetic when compared to the grind at the end of season 1.

What seems to be much different to season 1 (so far anyway) is that achieving the highest rated OVR is much less possible for the average teams. The Legends program to end season 1 dropped 99's with abilities like they were going out of style. Not so much this season it seems.


All-Star 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

Legacy was worthless for the most part. Only benefit we had was getting Dirk & being able to use our legacy lineup once per day to earn a Dirk training token. Even that was weak. The events were bugged forever & it took too long to train Dirk to a desirable level. It was Xmas & we were still not quite maxing him out.

Anyway, I wouldn't put too much stock in it. Cool that you can still play with the players if you want but unless they come up with an actual good idea....it's cool for a week & you forget about it.


Pro 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

What seems to be much different to season 1 (so far anyway) is that achieving the highest rated OVR is much less possible for the average teams. The Legends program to end season 1 dropped 99's with abilities like they were going out of style. Not so much this season it seems.

At the end of season 1 you had people with 102ovr whining about having the same prize as those with 99/100 ovr, so EA surely took note and granted a wish to the big spenders that still go after the OVR even when it stops to matter.

I kinda disagree with you about the worth of tickets though. I had it at the max and quickly had the requirements for stuff like the AH, while some others were having a hard time in the first days.


All-Star 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

What seems to be much different to season 1 (so far anyway) is that achieving the highest rated OVR is much less possible for the average teams. The Legends program to end season 1 dropped 99's with abilities like they were going out of style. Not so much this season it seems.

At the end of season 1 you had people with 102ovr whining about having the same prize as those with 99/100 ovr, so EA surely took note and granted a wish to the big spenders that still go after the OVR even when it stops to matter.

I kinda disagree with you about the worth of tickets though. I had it at the max and quickly had the requirements for stuff like the AH, while some others were having a hard time in the<I> first days</I>.

That was my point...it was <I>great </I>for a couple days but ultimately was worthless once you could earn CR Elites for free.
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

In that case I won?t sweat too much about completing any tasks like that season score thingy, or to continue trying to build my team for any reason other than having fun these last weeks. (I?ll be 100 OVR finally in both lineups as soon as I get one more titan for each lineup.) I didn?t play s1, but based on everything I?ve seen in s2 to date, it would be a mistake to think EA will reward me with anything remotely valuable for completing forward-looking tasks like season score. Those darned TOTY tokens come to mind as one example of a major buzzkill relative to the investment required.


Rookie 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

Hopefully we won't get the endless delays we had last season.
+1, and +1.

Some people think that the odd numbered 2K's are always the best...let's hope that's the same for Season 3, whenever it comes.

As for the dry and extremely boring live event map, I don't understand why they didn't at least leave Royalty Lebron's live event on the map. C'mon, at least give F2P players something to do.


All-Star 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

In that case I won?t sweat too much about completing any tasks like that season score thingy, or to continue trying to build my team for any reason other than having fun these last weeks. (I?ll be 100 OVR finally in both lineups as soon as I get one more titan for each lineup.) I didn?t play s1, but based on everything I?ve seen in s2 to date, it would be a mistake to think EA will reward me with anything remotely valuable for completing forward-looking tasks like season score. <I>Those darned TOTY tokens come to mind as one example of a major buzzkill relative to the investment required.</I>
Exactly like those TOTY tokens...exactly.


Pro 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

Aren't there Legacy events now, for veterans who already completed a season?

A post with screenshots of those events would be very appreciated, by me and surely by other first-time players.

It's two minutes against a random team, just like a quarter of a season game, except the score starts with 90-93 or similar.

Opponents are also the silvers you see in season mode.

Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

I liked Legacy Dirk. It was one of the few things they got right at the beginning of Season 2. Of course, the event was buggy as shit but at least they didn't have to take it away and repackage it like the early TOTW and Legendary programs.

I hope they have a solid plan in place for season 3 and aren't fiddling about in the dark for six months.


All-Star 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

You'd be hard pressed to convince me that they have anything lined up for season 3 beyond the first promo


All-Star 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

I liked Legacy Dirk. It was one of the few things they got right at the beginning of Season 2. Of course, the event was buggy as shit but at least they didn't have to take it away and repackage it like the early TOTW and Legendary programs.

I hope they have a solid plan in place for season 3 and aren't fiddling about in the dark for six months.
I agree on Dirk. My biggest complaint is the same as season 1. The players you grind for most of the season are virtually irrelevant by the end of it (e.g. for s2 it's Master Harden, Royalty LBJ even FMVP KD to some extent). Knowing what I know now, I may upgrade those positions before the reset but I'll most likely go back to them before it locks because I couldn't care less about some of the higher OVR players I kept from season 1 during the legacy event this season. I'd much rather remember what it was like to finish the Harden grind or pull the last token (Miami Heat of all tokens to be missing) for Royalty LBJ. To each his own I guess...
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

Yeah, there was no reason to cap Dirk. They should have let us kept training him all season long to keep the legacy event relevant. Personally, I maxed out Harden and Royalty Lebron which seems to be a decent choice for a player at my level. I guess this Pantheon program is meant to be the equivalent of last season's Ultimate Legends with only Harden getting an ability but I'm not interested in replacing Royalty Lebron with a random Giannis card. That Giannis card would have to be something special to replace LB.


All-Star 1
Re: Season Score & Legacy Lineups

Yeah, there was no reason to cap Dirk. They should have let us kept training him all season long to keep the legacy event relevant. Personally, I maxed out Harden and Royalty Lebron which seems to be a decent choice for a player at my level. I guess this Pantheon program is meant to be the equivalent of last season's Ultimate Legends with only Harden getting an ability but I'm not interested in replacing Royalty Lebron with a random Giannis card. That Giannis card would have to be something special to replace LB.
Well, for me they made me replace LBJ with FMVP KD. Especially with all of the clutch neutering. I'm still using maxed LBJ on my bench but hard to justify unless I concede on my final OVR. As I said in another post, I'm waiting this out to see what final OVR is achievable with players that I want to keep. This rat race of building a team player by player since I hit 100 OVR is just way too expensive. I'll settle for a couple more weeks at this level to see if I can make a leap to 105-107 base players and then spend my coins training (unlike last year when all I did was open packs for what seemed like an eternity).


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