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Q&A on Reddit with NBALM's community manager


Pro 1
Well that’s disappointing but at the same time it makes sense. I planned on saving 50m+ for next season but I guess a cap would be better for the community.


All-Star 3
These mother $#@%&@$. I’ve been wheeling a dealing and went from a low of 20mil (after getting Kawhi) to 50mil now. If they cap coins at 5mil or something I’ll be super pissed. They have a obligation to let us know - it impacts what we do until the end of the season. Grrrrrrrr
It's amazing they havent thought abt that.. even worse would be they knowingly are doing these things (which seems more likely).


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Thank you Stewie,your work here on this page is awsome and i find very useful tips here by you and other guys who are commenting and sharing experiences...keep going like this,this is probably the best community i've been part of 💪
You're welcome I'm always happy to help when I can


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
These mother $#@%&@$. I’ve been wheeling a dealing and went from a low of 20mil (after getting Kawhi) to 50mil now. If they cap coins at 5mil or something I’ll be super pissed. They have a obligation to let us know - it impacts what we do until the end of the season. Grrrrrrrr
That's the point they don't want to show too much yet because they want people engaged all the time then last minute is when it will all drop onto us


Pro 2
It's amazing they havent thought abt that.. even worse would be they knowingly are doing these things (which seems more likely).
“We are thinking about it” is Brian’s way of saying “if they will let me screw you, I will.”


Pro 1
These mother $#@%&@$. I’ve been wheeling a dealing and went from a low of 20mil (after getting Kawhi) to 50mil now. If they cap coins at 5mil or something I’ll be super pissed. They have a obligation to let us know - it impacts what we do until the end of the season. Grrrrrrrr
Yeah exactly the same for me except I’ll be at like 40m once I get Kawhi but regardless they leave us in the dark until the last minute which is ridiculous because it impacts our damn near every move because we don’t have all the information lol


Rookie 1
Same .. I'm at 66..
I dont think well be able to complete him with time to play with him.. lets c..

Nah even just playing the daily events and not bothering to trade anything in you should have him with 2 weeks to spare for play time before the reset.


Pro 2
Yeah exactly the same for me except I’ll be at like 40m once I get Kawhi but regardless they leave us in the dark until the last minute which is ridiculous because it impacts our damn near every move because we don’t have all the information lol
Especially since our cards that carry over are supposed to have value in training Superstars. I’ve been trying to walk that fine line.


All-Star 1
Especially since our cards that carry over are supposed to have value in training Superstars. I’ve been trying to walk that fine line.
Well, there's the rub for those of us mere mortals without Kawhi, Magic etc. 😜 If I knew the cap then I could make a better assessment regarding my spend between now and the end of the season perhaps accelerating the time to get Kawhi - which seems to be exactly what they want to avoid to keep us engaged for the rest of the season. Why even mention the cap at this point...softer landing maybe but the fact that he hinted at it has me rethinking my current coin count and willingness to overpay to accelerate.


Pro 2
Well, there's the rub for those of us mere mortals without Kawhi, Magic etc. 😜 If I knew the cap then I could make a better assessment regarding my spend between now and the end of the season perhaps accelerating the time to get Kawhi - which seems to be exactly what they want to avoid to keep us engaged for the rest of the season. Why even mention the cap at this point...softer landing maybe but the fact that he hinted at it has me rethinking my current coin count and willingness to overpay to accelerate.

I just bought Bol for the hell of it. No way the cap is going to be 50mil. F####ing Brian. Might be a cap? No, there will be a cap. Weasel.


Pro 2
Both of them are widely inaccurate at times but she is more often the wrong one plus they said maybe a cap and she isn't even close to being in the loop in those decisions the devs make
Well,then more evidence for my lawsuit. lolol


Pro 1
I think EA wants the top f2p (or close to it) players to retain their team building power.
Because if we don’t p2p players won’t have as much of an incentive to spend.

If that is the case, letting us keep our coins for S4 makes perfect sense. Well I hope that’s the case anyway


All-Star 1
I'll believe it all when it happens. I'm not holding onto more than 2 mil. I still doubt that'll even carry over
Coins have been useless this season, anyway. If they let us take them over it just means they'll do even worse things to the AH.
Coins have been useful this part of the season. I sniped all the nickname players to get The Admiral & now some Big Man players to have max bonus in this promo


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