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Presents List Thread


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Do we know whats inside each Christmas Presents yet?

I know one of you guys have the Leak info hehehe :) Merry Xmas everyone!!

I merged this with the presents list thread I will update what each present has when we know what it is there is no leaked info on it


Rookie 3
silver - random!! get gifts, silver + gold.., 5000 cash, legend wildcard.. elevate gold + elite... 2500 coins... snowball... 3000 coins...
gold - other gold gifts...
elite (ribbon) = wilt 86...


Rookie 1
Silver: 6 flashback tokens, 1 legend wildcard, 1000 coins, 1 elevate gold, 3 snowball, 2 silver gifts
Gold: 2 other gold gifts


Rookie 1
silver - random!! get gifts, silver + gold.., 5000 cash, legend wildcard.. elevate gold + elite... 2500 coins... snowball... 3000 coins...
gold - other gold gifts...
elite (ribbon) = wilt 86...

EA did this last season as well. You open a Present and you get another present that opens up on another day. Damn.


All-Star 3
Silver - random.. Coin/flashback\next gen/ gold and elite elevate\ legend wild\ silver gifts
Gold - 5000 coins
Elite - got 91 zo
My only good pulls were 10k coins and a silver jersey. Every single gold present on my main gave me another gold present.

Lots of people pulling Rodman and Iverson. Some poor buggers pulling 84 Sprewell.


Rookie 1
HOLY SHIT the other elite christmas present with a ?6? on the top right corner gives the 94 bill russell with buzzer beater special ability and he?s auctionable. I had 3 of the presents saved up !!!! Finally EA rewards me


Rookie 1
Elite present, 84 Ben fking Wallace.

Ea can get done.

Gold was a gold present

Silver was a wild card, 1000 coins, an elevate, a red elevate, dog sh*t.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
HOLY SHIT the other elite christmas present with a ?6? on the top right corner gives the 94 bill russell with buzzer beater special ability and he?s auctionable. I had 3 of the presents saved up !!!! Finally EA rewards me

It actually gives a random ghost card I pulled Russell as well sadly the price caps to sell an elite is still 2.7 mil so they aren't worth selling


Rookie 1
HOLY SHIT the other elite christmas present with a ?6? on the top right corner gives the 94 bill russell with buzzer beater special ability and he?s auctionable. I had 3 of the presents saved up !!!! Finally EA rewards me

It actually gives a random ghost card I pulled Russell as well sadly the price caps to sell an elite is still 2.7 mil so they aren't worth selling

Can you tell me which present exactly it is?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
HOLY SHIT the other elite christmas present with a ?6? on the top right corner gives the 94 bill russell with buzzer beater special ability and he?s auctionable. I had 3 of the presents saved up !!!! Finally EA rewards me

It actually gives a random ghost card I pulled Russell as well sadly the price caps to sell an elite is still 2.7 mil so they aren't worth selling

Can you tell me which present exactly it is?

The one that Ld.a1 described it's the 2nd elite present from today the white one


Rookie 1
I only have a bunch of silvers lol. I thought I might be able to get some ornaments from it but only 3000 coin quicksells smh. What a big F you from EA.


All-Star 3
I only have a bunch of silvers lol. I thought I might be able to get some ornaments from it but only 3000 coin quicksells smh. What a big F you from EA.
On the flip side .. U have the blitz events. 10 ornaments for 25 stamina. Blitz away


Rookie 3
EVERY win!
and the 2nd one is prime for AP ;)

yup i used all the 350 stamina i got did the stamina refill gained 150 stamina used that and now i will purchase the stamina after 4 hours when my stamina will be back and then i will level up i am set for christmas lol :lol:


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