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NBALiveCommunity.com Tournament #1 bracket is set


Rookie 3
This tourney has been concluded. Aris won the final match with me. aristheos1914 aristheos1914 , congrats and hope not to face you early in the next tourney...haha
Stewie309 Stewie309 , you mentioned about the prize for the winner (like a badge or something), will the runner up included?
Also, thanks to all that participated, really enjoyed the competition more than i enjoy playing showdown. Looking forward for the next tourney.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
This tourney has been concluded. Aris won the final match with me. aristheos1914 aristheos1914 , congrats and hope not to face you early in the next tourney...haha
Stewie309 Stewie309 , you mentioned about the prize for the winner (like a badge or something), will the runner up included?
Also, thanks to all that participated, really enjoyed the competition more than i enjoy playing showdown. Looking forward for the next tourney.
I answered this when I explained why I had to cover this post up until the badge was given and I could make an official announcement on the matter but I'll answer it publicly as well

The runner up doesn't get a badge but it's something that may be looked into I will make a post about the next tournament in 24 hours
This tourney has been concluded. Aris won the final match with me. aristheos1914 aristheos1914 , congrats and hope not to face you early in the next tourney...haha
Stewie309 Stewie309 , you mentioned about the prize for the winner (like a badge or something), will the runner up included?
Also, thanks to all that participated, really enjoyed the competition more than i enjoy playing showdown. Looking forward for the next tourney.
ty cire,see you at next tour


Rookie 3
Hey stewie have u thought about the ovr thing I think in this tournament we should have a single ovr so everyone have equal chance to win


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Let's do 1 thing when u make the thread for the next tournament make a poll about it whether people want a single ovr or its okay normally that will make it much easier I guess
With a single overall people have to drop every single lineup in their team to at or below that overall just raise your overall, ask the opponent to drop their overall, or sit it out those are the 3 options because there won't be any forcing of lineup changes it's not fair to the players or the leagues of the players to make everyone drop their overall for 1 person
the problem to drop our overall,is that we delay the matches.if our lvl opponent doesnt play against our team,we need to wait till he does.we cant risk playing against us using lower ovr


Rookie 1
I had to trim it down to 16 people otherwise it wouldn't have been fair that some got a 1st round bye I did the order in the order of people that said they wanted in on the sign-up thread but in the future I will randomize it to avoid match setting so here it is

It will start on Monday after the content update everyone has 24 hours to complete their matchup

The winner of each tournament will get a prize on the site as well as bragging rights
Damn seen it too late


Rookie 1
Haha seriously? Just for a few minutes of reducing your overall would cause a lost in your lvl? It seems how bad your league is lol


Rookie 1
And? Lower his overall for a few minutes will cause his league to drop to the last?? Just be considerate for other players..this tournament is so dominated by high overall players...


Rookie 1
And? Lower his overall for a few minutes will cause his league to drop to the last?? Just be considerate for other players..this tournament is so dominated by high overall players...
Of course it will affect the league mann... Let me explain. Their league is a small league. Every point difference matters. If one of them lowers the overall and the opponent takes advantage of that. It will be difficult to win back that huge difference.

To be fair, it is possible to create another
lineup with lower overall. However, this is how the tournament is.

Honestly, i agree with you that it is kinda unfair. I am also worse than most of them. But i just accept it.

I don't really post much in this forum. But man, you are straight up disrespectful to aristheos1914 aristheos1914 trying to explain nicely to you.


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