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NBALiveCommunity.com Tournament #1 bracket is set


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I had to trim it down to 16 people otherwise it wouldn't have been fair that some got a 1st round bye I did the order in the order of people that said they wanted in on the sign-up thread but in the future I will randomize it to avoid match setting so here it is

It will start on Monday after the content update everyone has 24 hours to complete their matchup

The winner of each tournament will get a prize on the site as well as bragging rights


Rookie 1
What's the rules, just to be clear. My overall best lineup is 104, by tomorrow I hope to get 105 if I get 105 Tim Ducan and 105 from 3v3 promo.
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
What's rules, just to be clear. My overall best lineup is 104, by tomorrow I hope to get 105 if I get 105 Tim Ducan and 105 from 3v3 promo.
Rules are simple just play the game/s within the 24 hours of the round I asked if you guys wanted a single game or a best of 3 series


Rookie 1
Best of 3 sounds fair tbh, though to save time 1 game should be good that way we can have the tournament probably every other week. Where do we announce the winner after final quarter is played?
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Rookie 3
I am fine for 1 game per match. Then let’s see for next tournament. Btw, @Hongjie296, try searching my fb - rick.vince.142. It’s a dummy so it doesn’t have profile, but will add in case.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Best of 3 sounds fair tbh, though to save time 1 game should be good that way we can have the tournament probably every other week. Where do we announce the winner after final quarter is played?
Well no matter what each round has a 24 hour time limit if the round isn't done then the leader is the winner and if neither players play the round then a coin flip will decide the winner


Rookie 3
I and hongjie296 already made contact and agreed on schedule of our match. We will update you of our match’s result. Thanks.


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