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NBALiveCommunity.com League Recruitment Thread


Rookie 1
Been a long time since a bump
Stewie, you still open for new members?

League is my last hope haha, so I need to try it for the first time in my S1-S3 "career".

I started playing a lot in S3 with Harden CH3 campaign (motivation to get my JH) and building my lineup. Finally I used my NBA cash that I collect since S1 with hope for one great season from EA but I'm tired of waiting for miracle lol, so I used like 2.5-3K to complete clutch version of The Beard, added clutch 101 McD from MM promo (and 101 Bagley with +2SPD for bench), pack luck in AF promo with Shaq and then EA gave me BB Lillard for coins. Today I claimed 102 Horry and became 102ov team (without clutch, but I'm planning to get my first MM with ability, so I have 7 more days to finish it, I think it's doable with current packs in store), I think I'm ready to join.

Here is my team:

I'll install Line soon to contact you (if you are still interested in new members).


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Stewie, you still open for new members?

League is my last hope haha, so I need to try it for the first time in my S1-S3 "career".

I started playing a lot in S3 with Harden CH3 campaign (motivation to get my JH) and building my lineup. Finally I used my NBA cash that I collect since S1 with hope for one great season from EA but I'm tired of waiting for miracle lol, so I used like 2.5-3K to complete clutch version of The Beard, added clutch 101 McD from MM promo (and 101 Bagley with +2SPD for bench), pack luck in AF promo with Shaq and then EA gave me BB Lillard for coins. Today I claimed 102 Horry and became 102ov team (without clutch, but I'm planning to get my first MM with ability, so I have 7 more days to finish it, I think it's doable with current packs in store), I think I'm ready to join.

Here is my team:

I'll install Line soon to contact you (if you are still interested in new members).
Yeah send an application and add me on Line


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