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NBALiveCommunity.com League Recruitment Thread


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Come join the official league of the staff of this site! I'm looking for active and loyal members to join my top 100 league and loyalty goes a long way with me. If you want to join a great league and be a part of something bigger then come on down PM me or Aram on here or add Stewie309 or Aramwot on Line and PM one of us there.


Rank 61 with a 50-11-1 record as of 11/9/18
Re: Jordan23Airz Recruitment Thread

Tempting, as I am currently a member of a ~top 400 league but we haven?t been able to get over the 400s hump in quite some time. Our main issue is not everyone playing their quarters and low membership (7). But, loyalty is important to me as well, and I?m doing everything I can to keep us going the rest of the season - especially because the original commish had to depart and relegated commish duties to me a few months back. Not easy to push forward, but doing my best!


Rookie 3
Staff member
Re: Jordan23Airz Recruitment Thread

Tempting, as I am currently a member of a ~top 400 league but we haven?t been able to get over the 400s hump in quite some time. Our main issue is not everyone playing their quarters and low membership (7). But, loyalty is important to me as well, and I?m doing everything I can to keep us going the rest of the season - especially because the original commish had to depart and relegated commish duties to me a few months back. Not easy to push forward, but doing my best!

Your loyalty is admirable Baileyessr0gs, however I would recommend either tightening the restrictions on your league to not allow for anyone missing qtrs as this makes your efforts almost meaningless. There come's a point where you need to look out for your own interests and playing competitively requires having a team as committed as you.

Think about joining if you haven't already :)


Rookie 3
Re: Jordan23Airz Recruitment Thread

guys my OVR is 87 rn because i am selling some of my players it will be 92 to 94 soon


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Jordan23Airz Recruitment Thread

Sorry we are looking for users with stronger teams as it's hard for players to play well at a low overall like that against the opponents we face


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Jordan23Airz Recruitment Thread

Forgot to update the ranking but we're still open to new members so if you are 95+ overall then feel free to inquire about joining


Rookie 2
Really tempting joining you guys but I made a league of my own and its flourishing rn and I don?t want to leave the guys hanging. I?m currently 103 OVR and I love this site so its reallllly tempting.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Really tempting joining you guys but I made a league of my own and its flourishing rn and I don?t want to leave the guys hanging. I?m currently 103 OVR and I love this site so its reallllly tempting.

No pressure I know the feeling I've been invited to a lot of the top ranked leagues and denied it because I don't want to leave what I built


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