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NBALiveCommunity.com League Recruitment Thread


All-Star 1
Up to 58 when this tournament started
Just curious if you guys have had to face any Top 20 teams yet? We had a string of 3 tourneys where we faced 3 in Top 50. That will plummet you down the leaderboard pretty quick! Haha

I've heard there's a top team (maybe more than one) that's using an emulator to cheat, racking up 50 points in 2 quarters which is hard with the recent changes
That?s why I was asking. One team we played had a couple guys with +33 margins (33 and 36 if I recall). I brushed it off as ?possible? but then I started wondering if there was a new cheat? I can?t remember point totals but I want to say high 40?s which again is certainly ?possible?.
Just curious if you guys have had to face any Top 20 teams yet? We had a string of 3 tourneys where we faced 3 in Top 50. That will plummet you down the leaderboard pretty quick! Haha

I've heard there's a top team (maybe more than one) that's using an emulator to cheat, racking up 50 points in 2 quarters which is hard with the recent changes
That?s why I was asking. One team we played had a couple guys with +33 margins (33 and 36 if I recall). I brushed it off as ?possible? but then I started wondering if there was a new cheat? I can?t remember point totals but I want to say high 40?s which again is certainly ?possible?.

Here's a twitter thread from Brian's page about it:


All-Star 1
I've heard there's a top team (maybe more than one) that's using an emulator to cheat, racking up 50 points in 2 quarters which is hard with the recent changes
That?s why I was asking. One team we played had a couple guys with +33 margins (33 and 36 if I recall). I brushed it off as ?possible? but then I started wondering if there was a new cheat? I can?t remember point totals but I want to say high 40?s which again is certainly ?possible?.

Here's a twitter thread from Brian's page about it:

Well, if you can see the GG during your quarter then that wasn?t it. Our margins were normal (+15 - +25). They were just +10 more. Probably just really good...
That?s why I was asking. One team we played had a couple guys with +33 margins (33 and 36 if I recall). I brushed it off as ?possible? but then I started wondering if there was a new cheat? I can?t remember point totals but I want to say high 40?s which again is certainly ?possible?.

Here's a twitter thread from Brian's page about it:

Well, if you can see the GG during your quarter then that wasn?t it. Our margins were normal (+15 - +25). They were just +10 more. Probably just really good...

I'm not entirely sure what the GG screenshot was trying to prove but did you see the other images? None of these tweets are mine by the way


All-Star 1
Here's a twitter thread from Brian's page about it:

Well, if you can see the GG during your quarter then that wasn?t it. Our margins were normal (+15 - +25). They were just +10 more. Probably just really good...

I'm not entirely sure what the GG screenshot was trying to prove but did you see the other images? None of these tweets are mine by the way

Yeah, different team.

@Stewie: Sorry for the hijack. I guess the upside is the bumps! Haha


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