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Mystery Gift?

im participating till end of s3, till stuff gets wiped, then return s4 next summer. I'm just managing my time differently. For example i don't have time to play this game everyday during studies like you do. Plus the fact that our grinded stuff becomes useless next season is demotivating in some ways. I hope i don't trigger ea fanboys with this one.
our grinded stuff doesnt become useless next season. You wont lose your coins neither.


Rookie 1
our grinded stuff doesnt become useless next season. You wont lose your coins neither.
They will be the same usefulness as legacy events currently, nothing more. Coins carried over will only be able to be used on the transfered players from s3. They haven't even decided if they will do these carry overs as stated on their reddit.


Pro 2
One of my league mates got 2 106 Kawhi’s with his one bulk pull. I had 55 and got the 106 Kawhi on the last pull. They are giving out Finals masters like m&m’s. Their ah value has plummeted. I was going to sell my Durant yesterday and forgot. Major mistake.
One of my league mates got 2 106 Kawhi’s with his one bulk pull. I had 55 and got the 106 Kawhi on the last pull. They are giving out Finals masters like m&m’s. Their ah value has plummeted. I was going to sell my Durant yesterday and forgot. Major mistake.
Kick yourself in the M&Ms lol. Yeah everyone has at least one finals player now. I'm surprised they were that generous. I was expecting just tokens.


All-Star 1
I had 2 bulk pulls and got a dupe KD (def and clutch). What a waste of a “good” pull. Such is my luck...


Rookie 2
They had given me Kawhi with the paint scoring ability...its not bad from converting 30 mystery gifts.

I can now mix it up with my 4 different line ups with the two Kawhis I have, and the PG13 NBA awards w/ steal & paint boosts.


Rookie 1
Nothing for me, besides pulling a 105 OVR signature player I had no pack luck in the last two seasons.


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