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Mystery Gift?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Apparently Diavolo said there won't be an FMVP card which I didn't believe because he's been wrong a lot recently then I thought about how the gifts have a Larry O'Brien trophy on them and aren't able to be used until July 1st so I came up with a theory...

There won't be an FMVP Kawhi... This promo but they have it planned for the Awards promo starting on July 1st and the gifts hold items needed to build the FMVP since none of the favorites to win it this series are up for any awards this year so they didn't feel the need to rush the FMVP card


Rookie 1
Hope it's something that gives us a 106 overall player..please be generous once ea..im being unlucky for this whole season


Rookie 1
Big middle finger from EA to me. Again nothing just like finals events. But its okay i will not play next season anyways.


Rookie 1
It's ot but why will u not play next season I think it will be good just curious lol
It's just not worth it. I'm only playing now because its summer break and i got a lot of free time. Also EA is just screwing me over and i never pull anything good. It's just not worth it in the long run when all your progress will be wiped anyways.


Rookie 3
let me get this straight.. you are participating in a forum, of a game, you have no intention of continuing.. and you want us to feel sorry for you??

:D :D :D :D :D

some of s are in our 3rd season, and enjoy the fact that reset occurs, so we can start afresh.. its a game, and the fact that t starts afresh makes it exciting each season :)


Rookie 1
let me get this straight.. you are participating in a forum, of a game, you have no intention of continuing.. and you want us to feel sorry for you??

:D :D :D :D :D

some of s are in our 3rd season, and enjoy the fact that reset occurs, so we can start afresh.. its a game, and the fact that t starts afresh makes it exciting each season :)
im participating till end of s3, till stuff gets wiped, then return s4 next summer. I'm just managing my time differently. For example i don't have time to play this game everyday during studies like you do. Plus the fact that our grinded stuff becomes useless next season is demotivating in some ways. I hope i don't trigger ea fanboys with this one.


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