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Live All-Stars Promo


Rookie 1
I plan on selling every master I get after they become auctionable and getting the 104 Sonics balanced KD I wonder if they can choose balanced for a GT I doubt it but I know TDGGG TDGGG would have the answer to that is that a choice or is it SS, LD, or street only
Balanced is not an option for gts. Only street., ss, ld


Pro 2
Oh yes it does nice pack I would've wanted him but I pulled 101 Bird so a 103 would have been a waste for me when I thought I was gonna stop at 103 rather than go for all 3 masters but the only way to hit 105 is with the live pass players
if im going to get lebron and siakim, then i dont need 105 so best cheap way to get to 104?


Pro 2
AD and Giannis are essential to hitting 105 unless you got lucky and pulled 103 Bird from the competition set also having Magic, Hakeem, Westbrook, and Stockton help a lot too (Stockton instead of a 104 PG since it saves you 90k points) that makes your lineup

Stockton/Magic (always bench Magic)
101+ SG (I was lucky to pull 103 Doncic)/Westbrook
2 master SFs (Siakam and LeBron are the best combo since they have higher overalls than Kawhi)
2 103 PFs (AD and Giannis for the same reason as Siakam and LeBron)
101+ C/Hakeem (if you don't have a 102+ SG you're gonna need a 104 C)
so i need a 101+ C (75k)
another 103 PF (ad or giannis)
masters at SF (lebron and siakam)
2 101+ SG (30k)
and 96 magic (3k) and where or how do i get stockton? or what is his ovr, higher than 104? (i cant use lillard or wall?, because i got both of them)


All-Star 3
105 would mean i get all 3 masters correct? but if i dont have the live pass then i can only get as far as 104, right? and if im not going for kawai then i dont need 105. ?
yes 3 masters are not possible without live pass..only was is if u pull 103 doncic and 104


All-Star 3
so i need a 101+ C (75k)
another 103 PF (ad or giannis)
masters at SF (lebron and siakam)
2 101+ SG (30k)
and 96 magic (3k) and where or how do i get stockton? or what is his ovr, higher than 104? (i cant use lillard or wall?, because i got both of them)
why do u need 96 magic? u didnt get the 5 boosters on day 1?
u get 103 stockton (boosts to 104) from live pass.


Pro 2
why do u need 96 magic? u didnt get the 5 boosters on day 1?
u get 103 stockton (boosts to 104) from live pass.
so in total i need
no PGs,
30k for SGs
reach 101 and 103 for the SF masters (not kawai)
45k for giannis or ad
and 75k for another 104 C
totaling 150k
and im almost half way there


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
so in total i need
no PGs,
30k for SGs
reach 101 and 103 for the SF masters (not kawai)
45k for giannis or ad
and 75k for another 104 C
totaling 150k
and im almost half way there
Since you're not going for 105 then it doesn't matter which master you get you can get whatever one you want


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