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Let’s Talk About TOTY..


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Okay thx that?s what I thought. So I don?t feel so bad. Happy for anyone who was willing to spend real money opportunistically on these FA packs - or somehow had the patience to save up their free NBA cash to this point and take advantage at the right time. Me, i blew all my saved up nba cash on chance packs during one of the previous promos and, naturally, ended up with nothing worth my while.
Wait what did I miss during this sorry excuse for a promo? What are free agency packs? Were they rep/coin packs or nba cash/real cash? I admit my eyes have been glazing over anything in the store the last 2-3 weeks as everything has appeared to be a huge money grab. Did I miss out on an opportunity to buy decent packs with coins/reps? If it was nba cash/real cash packs, there?s no way I?d spend another dime on this game, so I won?t feel as bad if I missed out in this case. (The last time EA got me to spend was the Magic Johnson pack during the MM promo which in retrospect was well worth the 99 cents because magic remains my starting Pg to this day.)

All cash packs, 1k cash for two 86+ elites. You can pull rare cards though, like 92 NY Lowry, Fire & Ice legends, and Signatures. Some people are making money of of it because there's more rare cards to snipe.

It was mainly taking advantage of those who did buy those packs they wanted 99 or 101 LeBron/Cousins and many other just wanted to flip the ill-priced cards that came from the packs


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Irrespective of whether u profit or not.. a promo should be judged on it's content and the grindabilitg of the Masters (in this case the 98+ players) and that's not possible without spending coin in the AH..
This season u could make money by selling the promo related content on most of the promos.. and compared to the flashback promo this is way better .. both in the chance of getting the right tokens and the ease of the live events..
Plus it might just me but I don't consider the free agency and the firecracker packs part of the toty promo.. so their influence in the AH shouldn't be counted towards the promo.
I guess one thing we can all agree to is the actual TOTY cards which are the real disappointments.. poor stats AND no bench boosts.. its like EA forcing us to get the card and not even giving us the option to keep in the bench

We don't all have to have the same opinion you guys have yours and I have mine I stated my case and the other case was stated too I don't have high expectations for every promo pack/set/ live event/master so it's much easier for me to have my stance because I'm not expecting as much as others and if the others didn't expect much either then no one would be upset I count anything that happens during that promo wether it is directly tied or not because they almost always have those pack programs during promos and not in between promos but like I said we don't all have to have the same opinions and views and that's ok but it seems if someone doesn't agree on saying something is bad about this game then the others let them know that it's not acceptable to think that way and it's something I've seen all season long and not everything has to be seen as a negative I know this season isn't what we hoped but no one should forget the fact that NBA is not EA's forte and it never will be not to mention we are in the middle of a gaming era where everything is monetized especially in free games because ads only get you so much money


All-Star 3
Yup.. was just putting a counter point.. not disagreeing with ur opinion.. I'm a bit of jack of all opinions..so i agree with u and the OP and the guys who made coin of the promo..


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yup.. was just putting a counter point.. not disagreeing with ur opinion.. I'm a bit of jack of all opinions..so i agree with u and the OP and the guys who made coin of the promo..

Oh it's all good I wasn't just talking about you I was giving a lesson to live by when it comes to this game and that's have low expectations and don't pretend that you have low expectations but to actually have them then take solace in working the AH and/or taking a break from the gameplay because those grind-able promos can make you feel like you have to grind them since the opportunity for that isn't always there I enjoy taking a break from the game it helps you keep your sanity


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