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Let’s Talk About TOTY..

I did all of the POTM sets, which I don?t regret since I still use those cards, but if I?d known I?d only get a 91 elite out of it I might not have bothered. They should have given us a platinum or at the least been 4/5ths of the way toward one. I wouldn?t have minded grinding the promo for the last token.

Not sure why there weren?t five Masters with great stats. Let us grind for a Master like the first round of the playoffs.

The less said about the Showdown bonus the better. It doesn?t really matter however since Kawhi was worthless on my server.


Pro 1
I share the negative opinion about the promo since the beggining, but there were worse promos for me.

I happily got the coins from the four 91ovr pulls, while basically spending rep and playing the quick live events. Selling the first for 2.5M was already good enough to be better than some other promos.
And a decent Jamal Murray card with a fan boost was welcome as well.

Maybe I'll go after the Jokic card if the price drops, once the SD bonus changes again.


Rookie 1
I completed the 91+ set 3 times , pulled 96 beal , 95 Chris Webber and 94 lamarcus Aldridge sold them all and used the coins to build my classic lineup (was 90 now 95) which increased my franchise OVR to 97. It was boring af but not bad after all


All-Star 3
I completed the 91+ set 3 times , pulled 96 beal , 95 Chris Webber and 94 lamarcus Aldridge sold them all and used the coins to build my classic lineup (was 90 now 95) which increased my franchise OVR to 97. It was boring af but not bad after all

+1.. BORING but not bad (at this point in the season we shd know how the promos go..)
with my alt.. had low pulls first 3 times.. fetched abt 600-800k .. today pulled jamal got 1.5mill..


Rookie 2
It's not a fun promo at all but I have made a few mil off it. I had no intentions of getting a 98 plat card so i would just sell the elites for 500k-1m and move on.
One of the best promos to make coins. I've sold 5 91+ elites so far for like 7 millions total. Only with rep packs & bonus packs, and playing the events.

The players are meh, I did good selling all since the beginning.


Rookie 1
It's definitely a bad promo, but it could've been worse. I've done the honorable mention set twice (should be able to get at least one more) and pulled 95 platinum Chris Webber and 93 Sikma. For some F2P players, those cards might make it into the lineup. For me it was an easy 1.5 mil+. I've certainly done worse than that on a lot of promos this season.

It could have easily been a much better promo though, and I still can't wrap my mind around how worthless those TOTY tokens were. I'm mad about it and I didn't even complete a single POTM set. I feel for the guys who grinded their asses off and spent a lot of coins to get those tokens.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I judge a promo based on what happens during it wether promote related or not and this promo was by far my most profitable one ever thanks to the FA packs so I would call this a great promo


Pro 1
I judge a promo based on what happens during it wether promote related or not and this promo was by far my most profitable one ever thanks to the FA packs so I would call this a great promo

Oh absolutely, I made around 60m from the packs. TOTY in itself is shit though


Rookie 1
I made 4.5 million off my first 2 honorable mentions that I made. After the first two days the prices dropped dramatically in the auction house so I ended up completing the point guard set instead of selling my last 6 that I made and bought 4 4 450k on The Auction Block. In all I still completed 8 honorable mentions in all just by opening the free packs the Rep back and buying and using team of the week Elites for extra Platinum tokens. But since this price drop I have no desire to do this promo anymore. I literally blew through the chance packs update in like 5 minutes. It all this was a terrible promo as far as content goes the only lone bright spot was the free agent packs which was fun watching other people open awesome stuff I pulled crap out of my free agent packs that I bought besides one card. I got 88 Russell Westbrook non auctionable I got 87 Gordon Hayward fan favorite non auctionable I got a 90 Rondo and 89 gobert from the NBA Finals promo 85 Dennis Rodman Chinese New Year and the 93 Kevin Durant Chinese New Year. In my no money spend account I decided to use all my cash on a free agent pack I got 88 Kevin Garnett Chinese New Year and and honestly little to my surprise I got 88 Russell Westbrook not auctionable Showdown card again. So the promo has been an absolute disappointment for me besides the Kevin Durant that's on my bench. I got a 99 overall Russell Westbrook that isn't even as good as my 97 Chauncey Billups and I can't tell him so just on my bench bumping My overall that's about it complete waste of time. Then I pop on YouTube to watch the ultimate Buckeye stream and this guy is pulling 93 specialist porzingis like WTF I never get that lucky with this game I'm never even gotten a Platinum out of a chance pack or any pack. Next dream I watched QJB pulled the hundred Kemba Walker out of the crappy 499 packs on his first he bought. You would think they would give you a decent grindable promo since they took away royalty specialist and legendary but no just a bunch of packs to buy and crappy promo that's in game prize isn't even worth it and you're selling the better version of the card in the packs. I'm done I'm just so mad right now I have literally nothing to do but grind Showdown for a card I don't want or need. Okay rant over


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I judge a promo based on what happens during it wether promote related or not and this promo was by far my most profitable one ever thanks to the FA packs so I would call this a great promo

Oh absolutely, I made around 60m from the packs. TOTY in itself is shit though

That doesn't matter to me honestly because not every promo will be interesting there are many ways to improve through the AH in promos that have less interesting cards that promos with interesting cards can't provide because instead of saving and earning coins you're using them to get the new interesting cards


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I judge a promo based on what happens during it wether promote related or not and this promo was by far my most profitable one ever thanks to the FA packs so I would call this a great promo

Oh absolutely, I made around 60m from the packs. TOTY in itself is shit though

60Mil? How the heck did you make that much profit in this promo?

Same way I did by sniping rarer 91+ players from the FA packs and reselling


Rookie 2
I made 4.5 million off my first 2 honorable mentions that I made. After the first two days the prices dropped dramatically in the auction house so I ended up completing the point guard set instead of selling my last 6 that I made and bought 4 4 450k on The Auction Block. In all I still completed 8 honorable mentions in all just by opening the free packs the Rep back and buying and using team of the week Elites for extra Platinum tokens. But since this price drop I have no desire to do this promo anymore. I literally blew through the chance packs update in like 5 minutes. It all this was a terrible promo as far as content goes the only lone bright spot was the free agent packs which was fun watching other people open awesome stuff I pulled crap out of my free agent packs that I bought besides one card. I got 88 Russell Westbrook non auctionable I got 87 Gordon Hayward fan favorite non auctionable I got a 90 Rondo and 89 gobert from the NBA Finals promo 85 Dennis Rodman Chinese New Year and the 93 Kevin Durant Chinese New Year. In my no money spend account I decided to use all my cash on a free agent pack I got 88 Kevin Garnett Chinese New Year and and honestly little to my surprise I got 88 Russell Westbrook not auctionable Showdown card again. So the promo has been an absolute disappointment for me besides the Kevin Durant that's on my bench. I got a 99 overall Russell Westbrook that isn't even as good as my 97 Chauncey Billups and I can't tell him so just on my bench bumping My overall that's about it complete waste of time. Then I pop on YouTube to watch the ultimate Buckeye stream and this guy is pulling 93 specialist porzingis like WTF I never get that lucky with this game I'm never even gotten a Platinum out of a chance pack or any pack. Next dream I watched QJB pulled the hundred Kemba Walker out of the crappy 499 packs on his first he bought. You would think they would give you a decent grindable promo since they took away royalty specialist and legendary but no just a bunch of packs to buy and crappy promo that's in game prize isn't even worth it and you're selling the better version of the card in the packs. I'm done I'm just so mad right now I have literally nothing to do but grind Showdown for a card I don't want or need. Okay rant over

Ouch. This is hard to read and not just cause it's a huge wall of text. Basically, this promo was just a pack opening, but you got nowhere near the value you should have. Feelsbadman.
I wouldn?t have minded if I could?ve profited off the promo but I couldn?t not even on the first day. You couldn?t even profit off the free agent packs on Asia, which was great if you were buying but not so fun if I you were looking to turn a profit.

I don?t think you can judge a promo on how much profit it brought you. In fact, working a promo for profit is pretty much conceding that the content sucks or that the format is ungrindable. The content for this promo was poor, they botched the TOTY concept badly and put little effort into the live events and promo structure. It was disappointing since a lot of us were curious about how TOTY would play out.

I?m not sure why they didn?t just run with a July POTM and done TOTY in August.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I wouldn?t have minded if I could?ve profited off the promo but I couldn?t not even on the first day. You couldn?t even profit off the free agent packs on Asia, which was great if you were buying but not so fun if I you were looking to turn a profit.

I don?t think you can judge a promo on how much profit it brought you. In fact, working a promo for profit is pretty much conceding that the content sucks or that the format is ungrindable. The content for this promo was poor, they botched the TOTY concept badly and put little effort into the live events and promo structure. It was disappointing since a lot of us were curious about how TOTY would play out.

I?m not sure why they didn?t just run with a July POTM and done TOTY in August.

Well we see it 2 different ways then I always judge a promo on what it does for my team or coin amount regardless of the content if me judging it based on that means that the promo sucks then every promo in the history of this game has been trash which obviously is not true I hardly give a rat's ass about the cards from promos because most the time it isn't a card I'm looking to get we all have our own ways of judging things and my way says this promo was great now if it wasn't for the FA packs and FW cards then it would be trash but making 10s of millions of coins, upgrading my team a lot, and not feeling the need to spam live events makes for a great laid back promo in my eyes


All-Star 3
Irrespective of whether u profit or not.. a promo should be judged on it's content and the grindabilitg of the Masters (in this case the 98+ players) and that's not possible without spending coin in the AH..
This season u could make money by selling the promo related content on most of the promos.. and compared to the flashback promo this is way better .. both in the chance of getting the right tokens and the ease of the live events..
Plus it might just me but I don't consider the free agency and the firecracker packs part of the toty promo.. so their influence in the AH shouldn't be counted towards the promo.
I guess one thing we can all agree to is the actual TOTY cards which are the real disappointments.. poor stats AND no bench boosts.. its like EA forcing us to get the card and not even giving us the option to keep in the bench
Wait what did I miss during this sorry excuse for a promo? What are free agency packs? Were they rep/coin packs or nba cash/real cash? I admit my eyes have been glazing over anything in the store the last 2-3 weeks as everything has appeared to be a huge money grab. Did I miss out on an opportunity to buy decent packs with coins/reps? If it was nba cash/real cash packs, there?s no way I?d spend another dime on this game, so I won?t feel as bad if I missed out in this case. (The last time EA got me to spend was the Magic Johnson pack during the MM promo which in retrospect was well worth the 99 cents because magic remains my starting Pg to this day.)
Wait what did I miss during this sorry excuse for a promo? What are free agency packs? Were they rep/coin packs or nba cash/real cash? I admit my eyes have been glazing over anything in the store the last 2-3 weeks as everything has appeared to be a huge money grab. Did I miss out on an opportunity to buy decent packs with coins/reps? If it was nba cash/real cash packs, there?s no way I?d spend another dime on this game, so I won?t feel as bad if I missed out in this case. (The last time EA got me to spend was the Magic Johnson pack during the MM promo which in retrospect was well worth the 99 cents because magic remains my starting Pg to this day.)

All cash packs, 1k cash for two 86+ elites. You can pull rare cards though, like 92 NY Lowry, Fire & Ice legends, and Signatures. Some people are making money of of it because there's more rare cards to snipe.
Okay thx that?s what I thought. So I don?t feel so bad. Happy for anyone who was willing to spend real money opportunistically on these FA packs - or somehow had the patience to save up their free NBA cash to this point and take advantage at the right time. Me, i blew all my saved up nba cash on chance packs during one of the previous promos and, naturally, ended up with nothing worth my while.
Wait what did I miss during this sorry excuse for a promo? What are free agency packs? Were they rep/coin packs or nba cash/real cash? I admit my eyes have been glazing over anything in the store the last 2-3 weeks as everything has appeared to be a huge money grab. Did I miss out on an opportunity to buy decent packs with coins/reps? If it was nba cash/real cash packs, there?s no way I?d spend another dime on this game, so I won?t feel as bad if I missed out in this case. (The last time EA got me to spend was the Magic Johnson pack during the MM promo which in retrospect was well worth the 99 cents because magic remains my starting Pg to this day.)

All cash packs, 1k cash for two 86+ elites. You can pull rare cards though, like 92 NY Lowry, Fire & Ice legends, and Signatures. Some people are making money of of it because there's more rare cards to snipe.


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