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Let’s Talk About TOTY..


Pro 1
Short and simple input on a thread where you can express your thoughts about this promo.

Arguably the worst promo we have had all season.

The grinding aspect is similar to Flashback; idiotic obsolete token sets that leave you pulling your hair out, which the reward is a measly card that will probably be worth 600k.

I looked forward to seeing three OKC players receiving TOTY cards.

Big Kiwi? Okay, decent. Paul George should be crazy, right?


This PG has worse stats than his Specialist card. How embarrassing. Westbrook 101 OVR though, right? He should be INSANE!


God man, the disrespect on these Westbrook cards has to stop! I don?t give a rat?s ass about his perimeter shooting, but the speed and dunk ratings make no sense. Same with John Wall.

How do you feel about this promo? I thought it would be great after the PFs dropped, but it progressively worsened afterward with the exception of the SG set with Booker and Spidad.


All-Star 3
As far as getting at least a 98+ from the promo this promo is a fail..
U could do the token set at least 5 times and make 3 mill so that way I think the promo is not that bad.
Grinding the live event, the free pack and the rep pack usually means I have 50 tokens ready
Which brings me to what I hate.. the 12 hr cooldown.. the SD bonus shd have been an honorable mention...the boring live event which doesn't change.. removing the first win bonuses.. no platinum token at the end of the extra live events them actually saying u could pull a 100+ from the live event..
And like u rightly point the weird stats for all the cards


Rookie 1
I thought it would be great after the PFs dropped, but it progressively worsened afterward with the exception of the SG set with Booker and Spidad.
I agree.
100/101 cards for real money and most of them full of 80-90 stats, true overall is probably lower than 95.. even 93 DS Oscar Robertson looks better than most of these cards.


Rookie 1
It's ass, nothing more and nothing less tbh, but I am kinda happy that Giannis got a new card at least. That's one decent thing that came outta this promo, even though he's practically unobtainable :/
Worst promo we've had all season, for sure. Non-PF 100+ OVRs are worth like 20+ mil, and their stats are straightup trash. For ftp players, all we get is what, 2-3 Honorable Mention players; only 1.3 to 2 mil profit in two weeks. Imo it's much worse than All-Star, and its not even close.


Rookie 3
Staff member
The last 3 have been ridiculous, last one I remember enjoying at all was playoffs moments...


Pro 1
The last 3 have been ridiculous, last one I remember enjoying at all was playoffs moments...

NBA Awards was decent because you could have made 10-15m just for having decent basketball knowledge. I wasn?t playing during Playoff Moments though, wish I was


Rookie 1
Basically promos are un-grindable now.

You can grind out some of the low 90s elites. As a guy with 95 ovr in both teams, that's useless to me other than training fodder or a few $100Ks cash.

But you have to pay a lot of money out of your wallet if you want to get the upper 90s/100s prize elites. That's just how it is going to be from now on. I mean, you might be able to make it by the skin of your teeth if you do nothing but play this thing 24 hours a day. Sorry, but I also happen to have a life.

The only way I can imagine building out some of the team ovrs I see around here is to get skilled at flipping profits in the auction house.


Rookie 1
I told all my friends in my league in the beginning. If they need coins, just sell all promo elites. If they want to rush showdowns with reward, just do one 98+ PG set with cost of max 500k per elite. So basically, everyone can get at least 3 mil coins or spend less than 2 mil coins for a 98+ PG. ^_^ We often have good plans for all members.


Rookie 3
Staff member
I believe most of the guys here have built the teams either strategic flipping in ah or other kinds of market manipulation.. but completely agree in most of those teams OVR 102 + appear to be mainly $ cards (probably a lot of them have been spending on cash buying too..)

I wonder if showdown boost will change when promo ends :S


All-Star 1
I have nothing to say beyond the fact I'm still pissed that they gave double middle fingers to the people who slogged out the POTM for 4 months straight. Couldn't even give us a platinum for all of that work. Once that happened I knew the promo would be shit.


Rookie 1
I believe most of the guys here have built the teams either strategic flipping in ah or other kinds of market manipulation.. but completely agree in most of those teams OVR 102 + appear to be mainly $ cards (probably a lot of them have been spending on cash buying too..)

I wonder if showdown boost will change when promo ends :S

I suppose the day new promo drops we will have new reward boosts cards. :cool:


Rookie 2
I believe most of the guys here have built the teams either strategic flipping in ah or other kinds of market manipulation.. but completely agree in most of those teams OVR 102 + appear to be mainly $ cards (probably a lot of them have been spending on cash buying too..)

I wonder if showdown boost will change when promo ends :S

I am very pleased when I do beat those teams OVER 100+ ones...it's rare but somehow earlier today, I manage to beat one with mine only 96 OVR.

I won mine 16-9 for a 7+ lead. He won his 15-10. So I still won by +2. :lol: That was sweet. :D


Rookie 1
i managed to get 6 honorable mentions done by grinding then bought the last 4 on the block....got 99 westbrook. horrible stats for 99. my billups is better in every cat except rebounding,passing acc and something else that didnt matter cuz all the other higher stats made westbrook not worth it...to top it off its non auctionable...come on ea....made grinding the totw promos for the wildcard worthless only getting 2 plat tokens for one wildcard and making the cards we want in the 100ovr pack only.....man ea better hope 2k19 mobile sucks....this is getting bad. i thought the awards promo was great...had me wanting more but now i aimless grind showdown for the titans that wont be good by the time i get them lol.


Rookie 2
Everyone released after the power forwards had garbage stats that were closer to that of a 90 OVR than a 100 OVR.
Unactionable set players with lower overalls.
4 months grind for POTM was made completely worthless.
More luck BS token sets with cooldowns.
Showdown boost from cash-only cards.
cHaNcE aT a 100+ tOtY pLaYeR fRoM tHe LiVe EvEnT.
Neither profitable or fun.
2 weeks long!!!


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