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League out of business


Rookie 1
Re: Barbarean Barbers are looking for active members!!

I'll apply, active every day and currently 76 overall F2P. Name in game is the same as my screen name here


All-Star 1
Re: Barbarean Barbers are looking for active members!!

Hey, I just go an invite from someone, but the game displayed a match results notification, which boots me from the control panel that manages league invites. If you can, try to send another invite because it's no longer there and I didn't deny you. Thanks!
(happened again)

Hey, I just go an invite from someone, but the game displayed a match results notification, which boots me from the control panel that manages league invites. If you can, try to send another invite because it's no longer there and I didn't deny you. Thanks!

FWIW, I?ve been getting league notifications for new applicants and I immediately go there and there?s nothing there.


Rookie 1
Re: Barbarean Barbers are looking for active members!!

I thought i'd put this message here as it's easier than typing in the league chat.

With regard to the league reward players (Kahwi etc). I've only been a part of maybe 4 or 5 tournaments with this league but in the reward screen it's showing all achievements as complete (1/1 For Mccollum, 5/5 for Jokic, 15/15 Leonard). Does this mean that the league earned them before i arrived and therefore i won't get them, or will they unlock as i achieve the number of wins required?


Rookie 1
Re: Barbarean Barbers are looking for active members!!

Ah ok, thanks for the info. I guess it's not like i'm missing out on much anyway if the highest player is a 75


Rookie 1
Re: Barbarean Barbers are looking for active members!!

My phone has just bricked, looks like i'm gonna have to be benched for a while :( What makes it worse is i was logged in on a guest account on my phone, so if i need a replacement handset that's my account gone!


Rookie 1
Re: Barbarean Barbers are looking for active members!!

My phone has just bricked, looks like i'm gonna have to be benched for a while :( What makes it worse is i was logged in on a guest account on my phone, so if i need a replacement handset that's my account gone!

Ouch!!! I'm sorry to hear that! Ugh, that sucks so much. :cry: You're always welcome, whether new or old account.

Thanks man, will give you a heads up when i get things sorted


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Barbarean Barbers are looking for active members!!

Someone sent an invite earlier and as sometimes happens, it completely disappeared before I could accept it. If you're reading this, either try sending it again, or just send me a pm with your nbalm name and i can add/invite you that way.

Are you the only one active that's an admin or commissioner because it could easily be someone else is just declining the application or they spam applications to a bunch of leagues and join whichever one accepts them first which would then dissolve the application they sent you


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