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League out of business


Rookie 1
Re: Barbarean Barbers are looking for active members!!

Back in the game but at a lowly 67 OVR right now :lol: I'll drop a message on here when i've built my lineup to something more competitive


Rookie 1
Re: Barbarean Barbers are looking for active members!!

Back in the game but at a lowly 67 OVR right now :lol: I'll drop a message on here when i've built my lineup to something more competitive

ouch, welcome back though! Rough timing to have to start over with no promo for a few days. Good news is you dont have to complete Harden Ch 1 to get a Harden that's slightly better than the Chapter 1 version. Dont even have to complete chapter 1 to get into Ch 2 and complete it (although the stamina for the blitz seems a bit high at the moment).

Yeah i picked up that chapter 2 Harden pretty quick. Was going to level up embid but the cost for the first level is 29k right now which i'm assuming is an oversight by EA!

Guess i'll just grind elevate for now as there's not a lot else i can do at this OVR.


Rookie 1
Re: Barbarean Barbers are looking for active members!!

Got my ovr up to 77 now, is that enough to reapply?


Rookie 1
Re: Barbarean Barbers are looking for active members!!

Got my ovr up to 77 now, is that enough to reapply?

Absolutely! We never had an OVR to apply lol...Just 76 to be active currently. Your AI on your old account held it's own a couple games, but I will remove it since you for sure wont get it back, it sounds like.

Yeah the old phone went to the great landfill in the sky so my old account is 100% done. I'll re-apply now with the same username as my account here


Rookie 1
Re: Barbarean Barbers are looking for active members!!

Wouldn't recommend this league. They will kick you out even if you are active after some time and they have two 57 ovrs that own the league.
Re: Barbarean Barbers are looking for active members!!

Wouldn't recommend this league. They will kick you out even if you are active after some time and they have two 57 ovrs that own the league.

First of all, it's ONE 57 (that's obviously benched for tourneys) and that's being sorted, thanks. Second, you come in and you act like you run the league after being there ten minutes (among other things, and you were not as "active" as you claim). Go act like you run someone else's league. Don't really need that here. Sorry it didn't work out, good luck in the UBC!


Rookie 1
Re: Barbarean Barbers are looking for active members!!

Wouldn't recommend this league. They will kick you out even if you are active after some time and they have two 57 ovrs that own the league.

First of all, it's ONE 57 (that's obviously benched for tourneys) and that's being sorted, thanks. Second, you come in and you act like you run the league after being there ten minutes (among other things, and you were not as "active" as you claim). Go act like you run someone else's league. Don't really need that here. Sorry it didn't work out, good luck in the UBC!

''Acting like you run the league''. First of all i was there for more than a month and not once i acted like i ran the league. All i ever used the chat was asking what were the best coaches or sharing pack outcomes or showdown experiences. I really thought higher of you but after you fabricated these lies i've lost all respect that i had for you and i know that you shouldn't be trusted. Just making sure people know who they are dealing with.
Re: Barbarean Barbers are looking for active members!!

Wouldn't recommend this league. They will kick you out even if you are active after some time and they have two 57 ovrs that own the league.

First of all, it's ONE 57 (that's obviously benched for tourneys) and that's being sorted, thanks. Second, you come in and you act like you run the league after being there ten minutes (among other things, and you were not as "active" as you claim). Go act like you run someone else's league. Don't really need that here. Sorry it didn't work out, good luck in the UBC!

''Acting like you run the league''. First of all i was there for more than a month and not once i acted like i ran the league. All i ever used the chat was asking what were the best coaches or sharing pack outcomes or showdown experiences. I really thought higher of you but after you fabricated these lies i've lost all respect that i had for you and i know that you shouldn't be trusted. Just making sure people know who they are dealing with.

Sounds good. Our memories are very much different, but that's fine. LOL at more than a month. That's just so far from true. Another weird memory of yours, I guess. As I said in my last post, good luck in UBC. Sorry it didn't work out. Will be the last I say on this to you, go and enjoy your new league, hope it works out for you better there. Maybe you'll do things differently there, but that's not my business anymore. Good luck.

Quick Edit: Do you really think I just said, "Eh, we don't need an 85 OVR in our league" for no reason? Just saying....


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