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Keep Or Sell Zion


Pro 2
Sell to the bot or sell on the AH because I've seen many cards sell between 4.4 mil as long as it was less than 4.5 mil but if you are talking about the bot buying cards for 4.4 mil then that's a new development

IDK. Just happened on a Del card that was sold at 4.4


Pro 2
why is JA morant still not available in auction house? i supposed everyone got him by today...
That card plays really well. RJ not so much. Everybody is dumping RJ because the card sucks in lots of players opinions. I’ve got DWade back in at SG.


Rookie 1
but i've played so many showdown matches but no one is using JA as pg lol..i am curious where is this card at? i really want to buy him from auction house


Pro 2
but i've played so many showdown matches but no one is using JA as pg lol..i am curious where is this card at? i really want to buy him from auction house

Most players don’t have him...yet. I do and a couple others that I know do and are using him on the bench. Valuable card w 106 and +3 speed boost. I’d start him and did for a while but went back to Nash who is more consistent, more likely to block clutch 3s, and has buzzer beater.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
ah. Was searching in vain for 106 Kawhi.
Oh ok then yeah that's what I thought it sounded too good to be true yeah the cap for cards on the AH is 4.5 mil highest I think I've seen is 4.479 but the bot won't pay anything close to that unfortunately because the thing that literally generates coins also needs to try to buy cards for less than it sells them for smh but that's their way of stopping coin sellers from knowing which card is which


All-Star 1
Bots buy the card when you try to sell it, humans don't. Everything you see getting bid on is (primarily) human


All-Star 3
But I've been wining matches in showdown using rj as starting..
Different players play different in different lineups (chemistry)..
So, at the end of the day assuming u have coin it's always better to try a player for a day or 2 and make a decision of ur own..


Pro 2
I’ve had Wade sitting on bench for 3 weeks, now he is killing it as a starter. I’m not selling RJ ya never know
Is JA Moran having great ai?? And does he shoot three consistently?
I like him but for some reason I find all 105-106 PGs the same. I'm getting the same number of steals, same points, same shooting, same margins etc as I did with VanVleet. No difference at all. I haven't played one yet so maybe someone else can explain if there are any differences in A.I.


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