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Keep Or Sell Zion


Rookie 1
He's amazing and all but i was considering selling him so i can get a ton of coins. So im just wondering would it be smart to sell him or no because i did hear there is a cap that you cant go over.


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    Screenshot_20190622-211135_NBA Live.jpg
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Yeah you're only 105 overall with him it's definitely better that you sell him and build up your team


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
What s the max bid/buy combination that works
That is what I use I heard of people selling cards for over 4 mil but I think they may have made a mistake and said the price it sold for on the AH not what the bot paid


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Just saw a 106 Del Curry go for 4.4mil. Highest i’ve seen iirc.
Sell to the bot or sell on the AH because I've seen many cards sell between 4.4 mil as long as it was less than 4.5 mil but if you are talking about the bot buying cards for 4.4 mil then that's a new development


All-Star 1
I couldn't post Barrett for more than 3.8 BIN. Tried 3,850,000 and it never sold to the BOT...... back when it was insta-selling at 4 mil+

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Sell to the bot or sell on the AH because I've seen many cards sell between 4.4 mil as long as it was less than 4.5 mil but if you are talking about the bot buying cards for 4.4 mil then that's a new development
How do we know if bot buyed or it was sold on the AH?


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