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Rookie 1
Idk I'm seeing the opposite of this. Curry is very easy to steal from but that could be because I use all defense boost. Baylor against Yao gets blocked everytime he uses the ability. Could be that the all defense boost just negated curry and baylor quite hardly but curry has been always easy to steal from from my experience.
Yes Curry is very easy to steal from


All-Star 3
Idk I'm seeing the opposite of this. Curry is very easy to steal from but that could be because I use all defense boost. Baylor against Yao gets blocked everytime he uses the ability. Could be that the all defense boost just negated curry and baylor quite hardly but curry has been always easy to steal from from my experience.
Ya if u time steals well hes easy to steal from. My point is more that if u mistimed it and ur out of position, it's more likely that curry will hit the shot than yao.
As far as getting blocked goes, that horrible 2 point zone of Baylor and 105 duncan is a blocking zone not clutch zone.. so I dont put it down specifically to yao.. any tall c or pf in the paint will do that (except urs obviously against ai baylor)


Rookie 2
In my humble opinion, the nerf is just a myth.
Recently I counted down my results of LvL matches.
I played 27x2 LvL matches.
All games were back to back.
Here are the results:



Rookie 2
I just played a team of PG Yao, SG Carter, SF Yao, PF Yao, C Yao. 110 vs 110. I got +4, my Harden clutch got blocked, both Russell buzzers got blocked, combined with 2-3 normal 3s. I didnt miss a shot and only hit 9-8 and 11-8 in the Qs

This is the kind of psot that makes me go, while there must be something it's not a 1 QTR nerf, because he struggled in BOTH quarters. Meanwhile in my last tourney we had several people go back to back and others split and there were no clear results, we had a back to back go +36. Then someone else will go, well you're not playing top 100 teams as much, etc etc. So I don't think there is a true "thing" other than if they adjusted difficulty across the board.


All-Star 1
Just took my lvl drives. 1st drive +3 only because I held ball for 22 seconds for Magic’s bb - could not stop ai. 2d drive against same team - 18-0.

So, yeah........
Yeah, this is way too frequent to be coincidence. The other thing I’ve noticed is that if I only have a +10-12 quarter then I can get another +10-12 quarter more easily. But at the end of the day, +12 and +12 is the same as +18 and +6 so...


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