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Influencers Tournament promo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
do you have any states of these OVR 100 players?
The 100s of the winners are all viewable in the campaign screen I'm pretty sure they made a version of every overall for every player that you can still get through the sets but I haven't seen the losers or any past 100


Rookie 1
I now realized way too late that if I were to just get every influencer without upgrading them and waiting to the last round to see who would turn into a superstar, I could invest my votes into that player. also how do u know what player has the most votes


All-Star 1
I now realized way too late that if I were to just get every influencer without upgrading them and waiting to the last round to see who would turn into a superstar, I could invest my votes into that player. also how do u know what player has the most votes
If that's how they've worked it, they'll probably screw you by having you grind for a 101.....only for it to be turned into a 78 OVR Superstar that you have to level up back to 99.... That's how EA does it


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Have any of you done the 100 and 101 sets do they still give you the full options of players not just those that made it to the next round

Wait I think I saw a 100 Spice Adam's yesterday and he didn't make it past the 99 stage so they should have it open to all players I just wanted to be sure


All-Star 3
Have any of you done the 100 and 101 sets do they still give you the full options of players not just those that made it to the next round

Wait I think I saw a 100 Spice Adam's yesterday and he didn't make it past the 99 stage so they should have it open to all players I just wanted to be sure
Yup all 4 options.


All-Star 1
So we're thinking next round, the sets will go to 102 right? Then the final will be a Superstar


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Nice. Just wanted to hear it from someone else, lol. I need that 102 for the Giannis upgrade set
I would do that set but Giannis cards are not good for me he's a jack of all trades and a master of none of them


All-Star 1
I would do that set but Giannis cards are not good for me he's a jack of all trades and a master of none of them
I hear that. He works really well for my style of play though. And if he's mediocre, it's a good bench card for a while


Pro 2
Anyone have the stat boost for each of the influencers? I'm about to do the sets but looking which player has which boost. Thank you.


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