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Impact Replaces TOTW + 1st installment

Yeah, kinda regretting selling Kyrie and Mitchell right about now...haha

But, I think if I was going to drop coin on some players then one would be a Legend for the SD bonus. I haven't seen many in my AH except Tiny. A could bids on him in the 1.1M range but I haven't followed any to the end to see what he actually sells for...the bin prices are way too high. There's also a Ewing but he's 1.9-2M. Way too rich for my blood...

Faced Tiny in limited SD matches and his AI was very easy to go against. Would rather face him than Westbrook 10/10 times. Yeah, Jokic was the Center fan boost player they gave. I was bummed I didn't get a non big man, but I was glad I kept him for the Kyrie SD push. I definitely don't blame you for not cutting into all those past profits just for a 1 point OVR with the goodies coming up ahead. I assumed Thomas would be much cheaper than 500K though, since Wilt was as low as 150-200k (of course Wilt was much more common, and many would argue Thomas was the better card).

As far as this week in SD, I say keep grinding even if it's just 2500 and do the email process and worst case they say no, lol, but at least you'll have the extra rep built up. Unless you of course choose to switch to the 30 stamina per gold impact token grind, lol.

The OVR thing is definitely a fubar lol. I didn't even think to switch two coaches of the same playstyle. Gonna have to experiment with that more, but I guess we can conclude that Dribbling is more valuable than scoring with contact as far as OVR goes...which...I guess makes some sort of sense, since having better dribbling would allow more chances to lose defender/create scoring opportunities.

I could get Oladipo and Thomas for under 1M but I don't think that's a great use of coin. The problem with Thomas is I only had 500k'ish coins during the TO promo and I couldn't sell any of my TO dupes so I couldn't get my OVR high enough to complete the set. Could never pull a SG! I would've needed to spend about 90% of my coins to buy Mitchell or Oladipo to finish it. In hindsight (aka 3.5M coins later) it would've been a no-brainer but then again I also used my available coins to fund making more coins so who knows...

The worst part about the OVR issue is even when you hit "best lineup" it doesn't get it right!

Yeah, I almost went broke and/or drove myself crazy with that Hero Reroll searching for either Cp3 or either SG. Crazy wasn't a far drive, obviously :lol: Took about 150K in coins to finally reroll mitchell, who I've of course barely used since the program lol. Fits the defensive lineup at least since I got rid of all the Hardens.

I knew I was one player away from Thomas so I forced myself to go all in to get to 83, and wanted to do it before Halloween promo started, which was harder since they overlapped. I've used Thomas in probably less than 30% of my matches LOL but he's usually nailed on the backup role, but even last week I didn't use him at all because of Simmons and Russ were perfect together (was using Simmons for defenive coach match).


All-Star 3
@ beta Thomas wont get you to a 86 ovr.. (kyrie didnt either.. main reason i sold him too) identical team as you. So we need a 85 at sf/c/ sg i think to get us to 86
The worst tihng to me is that the gold token event is long as hell. Hope is changed to a drill in the future.

wasn't it supposed to be a single pump fake but it was bugged? It would be nice if they figured it out and made it work :)

I think the event is fine tho. you can open it all to let the opponent score and Jingles always shoots ASAP so I've completed it a few times under 30s.

Yes, the pumpfake in the hot spot was a nice twist that I hadn't seen before. I also wonder why they scrapped it. I know his commentary said that maybe it was too hard, so idk if he passed that on to them or maybe they couldn't figure out a way to do the event without the constant reminder of how to pumpfake, which would definitely get old for a blitz event (imagine how bad it is just trying to replace an elevate player in the lineup, constantly reminded how to level up the players lol). Who knows, it was definitely weird because he won the event and it still said he lost, and that's the LAST thing we need lol.


All-Star 3
The worst tihng to me is that the gold token event is long as hell. Hope is changed to a drill in the future.

wasn't it supposed to be a single pump fake but it was bugged? It would be nice if they figured it out and made it work :)

I think the event is fine tho. you can open it all to let the opponent score and Jingles always shoots ASAP so I've completed it a few times under 30s.

Yes, the pumpfake in the hot spot was a nice twist that I hadn't seen before. I also wonder why they scrapped it. I know his commentary said that maybe it was too hard, so idk if he passed that on to them or maybe they couldn't figure out a way to do the event without the constant reminder of how to pumpfake, which would definitely get old for a blitz event (imagine how bad it is just trying to replace an elevate player in the lineup, constantly reminded how to level up the players lol). Who knows, it was definitely weird because he won the event and it still said he lost, and that's the LAST thing we need lol.
Which event are u guys talking abt?..
On other news, brian confirmed that the elite impact tokens can be used in next weeks players.. so u could save the tokens and get the next batch of 86s on day 1 and keep them for 2 weeks.
So thats the way im planning.. 1 trophy a day..
I?m not grinding SD and the 81s aren?t useful for my benches so I?ll probabky save my tokens until they release something useful. I might change my mind if I want an 87, however.


Pro 1
wasn't it supposed to be a single pump fake but it was bugged? It would be nice if they figured it out and made it work :)

I think the event is fine tho. you can open it all to let the opponent score and Jingles always shoots ASAP so I've completed it a few times under 30s.

Yes, the pumpfake in the hot spot was a nice twist that I hadn't seen before. I also wonder why they scrapped it. I know his commentary said that maybe it was too hard, so idk if he passed that on to them or maybe they couldn't figure out a way to do the event without the constant reminder of how to pumpfake, which would definitely get old for a blitz event (imagine how bad it is just trying to replace an elevate player in the lineup, constantly reminded how to level up the players lol). Who knows, it was definitely weird because he won the event and it still said he lost, and that's the LAST thing we need lol.
Which event are u guys talking abt?..
On other news, brian confirmed that the elite impact tokens can be used in next weeks players.. so u could save the tokens and get the next batch of 86s on day 1 and keep them for 2 weeks.
So thats the way im planning.. 1 trophy a day..

Superstar IMPACT event.

It consumes too little stamina (double cost/rewards should be perfect) but I gotta say again: MOST... FUN... IN MONTHS.

No more of the ?3 pt dictatorship?. One can play like i?m guessing an actual basketball game is played: look for the open shot and take it.
Much more challenging than Season play. It?s a perfect fit for me, but those looking for a harder challenge can try to actually outscore the Jazz...

Best event in ages, imo.
What pumpfake are they talking abt?
And u used the word "drill' so got confused
Initially the event required a pumpfake as can be seen through early reveals of the program. They changed it once it was released for everyone. He used "drill" in regards to the 3rd event where instead of having to score 3 times he wishes it's changed to a simple drill event. Hope that clears things up for you lol.


All-Star 3
The worst tihng to me is that the gold token event is long as hell. Hope is changed to a drill in the future.

It?s the most fun drill I?ve seen in a long time.
Having said that, I probably won?t feel this way in a couple of days, since it?s a bit long.
Maybe having 2 drills (one short and another a bit longer) or make this drill cost 60 stamina (double the rewards) would be an alternative. Now that I think about it, having the drill cost/reward double would be the perfect solution.
He was referring to the make 3 baskets event as a drill, hence the confusion for me..
Jack and edlll were talking abt a version of the event on the test server (game changer video) where the 3rd event was actually a drill.. so was wondering if i missed aome live event..


Pro 1
The worst tihng to me is that the gold token event is long as hell. Hope is changed to a drill in the future.

It?s the most fun drill I?ve seen in a long time.
Having said that, I probably won?t feel this way in a couple of days, since it?s a bit long.
Maybe having 2 drills (one short and another a bit longer) or make this drill cost 60 stamina (double the rewards) would be an alternative. Now that I think about it, having the drill cost/reward double would be the perfect solution.
He was referring to the make 3 baskets event as a drill, hence the confusion for me..
Jack and edlll were talking abt a version of the event on the test server (game changer video) where the 3rd event was actually a drill.. so was wondering if i missed aome live event..

Well, it?s not a ?1 player empty court? drill but, since you have a specific task (pump fake + score at first; 3 baskets once realeased) one would also call it a drill, no? (English is not my first language so this is a legitimate question; not being a smart-ass hehe)


All-Star 3
In the context of english, i guess we could call it a drill.. i was more referring in game lingo...it usually says win the game etc for 5v5 challenges in contrast to complete the drill (which i consider a single player challenge)
Either way no biggie.. i was the one confused


Rookie 1
I'm sure I missed the point, so can someone set me straight, please... I'm supposed to invest stamina into getting these 86 elites who in a few weeks are going to turn into worthless 81s? What's the point?...


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I'm sure I missed the point, so can someone set me straight, please... I'm supposed to invest stamina into getting these 86 elites who in a few weeks are going to turn into worthless 81s? What's the point?...

When you do the 86 sets you get tokens you can use on an 87+ impact player down the road of your choice that doesn't change in overall
I'm sure I missed the point, so can someone set me straight, please... I'm supposed to invest stamina into getting these 86 elites who in a few weeks are going to turn into worthless 81s? What's the point?...

When you do the 86 sets you get tokens you can use on an 87+ impact player down the road of your choice that doesn't change in overall

That's true you can get a 87 down the road that doesn't change ovr. This however is the best example of EAs strategy to severely handicap our coins this season other than the AH nonsense. Past seasons allowed us to finish sets ASAP and sell the players for profit. We could finish the 86s and sell them for coins as 86s and those of us that did it the fastest benefited the most. By making the 86s unauctionable until they drop down to 81s is clearly a way to limit any profit that can be gained from programs, As it is now an 86ovr can get you 500k-1.2mil depending on the card, but an 81ovr will get you close to nothing.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
which one would you like to invest more stamina on, gold impact tokens or flashbacks tokens?

Flashback is a guaranteed 85 while impact is an 86 for a week then drops to 81 so FB is more worth your time


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