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Impact Replaces TOTW + 1st installment

Re: Impact Will Replace TOTW This Season

Impact sounds pretty cool.

Three players per week, the most impactful offensive player, the most impactful defensive player and one superstar player.

The offensive and defensive players will be 81 OVR cards that have a +5 OVR boost for two weeks, hence the clock icon on that Curry Showdown card. The superstar player will be a permanent 87 OVR.

The offensive and defensive players ought to be grindable for "high engagement players." The 87 OVR is mostly store based but you can grind one out over 5 weeks if you really want to.


Rookie 1
Re: Impact Will Replace TOTW This Season

Do we think grindable like next gen or like today?s Ingram card? <EMOJI seq="1f602"></EMOJI>


Rookie 1
Re: Impact Will Replace TOTW This Season

That card today is a ridiculous grind. Trying to train him as much as possible though...
Re: Impact Will Replace TOTW This Season

I like the Ingram event. So long as I can get him to an 80, I'll be happy. Currently at 78 OVR.
Re: Impact Will Replace TOTW This Season

Given that legends started today, is there any news on when impact program begins?
I believe Brian said soon but didn't specify a date. The real question is will it be structured like legends? I have a feeling it will be the same which will be a disaster.


All-Star 3
New impact program - daily beats

Players: 86 players become 81 after 2 weeks

86 shooting mirotic

86 defensive gobert

87 balanced derozan (packs)


86 players have sets requiring 7 elite live event collectibles and 7 elite trophy collectibles

Elite trophy collectible set : requires 25 gold collectibles

Live events refresh every 12 hours (test server .. dont know if it will change)

Offensive impact live event - 25 stamina - one elite token

Defensive impact live event - 25 stamina - one elite token

Gold impact token live event - 25 stamina - 5 tokens on first win and then repeatable for single tokens.

U can also buy the 86 players right away from the store for 3k cash (which might change on release

No coin or rep packs as of now

Program looks pretty decent .. easily grindable short term players


Rookie 2
Re: New impact program - daily beats

Grinding for this i going to be a real pain.

it's a store program mostly...


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: New impact program - daily beats

Players: 86 players become 81 after 2 weeks

86 shooting mirotic

86 defensive gobert

87 balanced derozan (packs)


86 players have sets requiring 7 elite live event collectibles and 7 elite trophy collectibles

Elite trophy collectible set : requires 25 gold collectibles

Live events refresh every 12 hours (test server .. dont know if it will change)

Offensive impact live event - 25 stamina - one elite token

Defensive impact live event - 25 stamina - one elite token

Gold impact token live event - 25 stamina - 5 tokens on first win and then repeatable for single tokens.

U can also buy the 86 players right away from the store for 3k cash (which might change on release

No coin or rep packs as of now

Program looks pretty decent .. easily grindable short term players

Hey I merged the topic and added the stuff to the original post when new ones come out we'll have different threads for that
Not a fan that the 86 players are non-auctionable. As far as I can tell there is no way to make coins.

They become auctionable after the +5 ovr boost, as 81ovr players.
I see. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Just another strategy to limit our coins. Usually the best way to make coins from a program is to acquire the player as soon as possible and sell them before prices fall. By the time these boosts end the players won't be as valuable. So they force you to hold on to a player until you can't get much for them.


Rookie 1
Yeah I mean there?s just nothing to actually do really!

You do the two events for the two players and the impact event which is grindable but one token for 30 stamina and 25 needed for an elite token and multiple tokens needed... I know it?s a slow grind for F2P but there?s nothing in the interim at all. At least tip off and Halloween had interim golds and some elites to use or sell in the meanwhile.


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