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good platinum pulls are now patched?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
It was patched before I started doing the set 12 hours ago (woke up late after seeing nothing new on Asia)


Rookie 1
Maybe they just decreased the chance of pulling 100 OVR cards. I just did the set now and pulled 98 Crunchtime Harden, although I did only pull 2 95-96 cards before this one.


Pro 1
How nice! Now that all the ?inside-info? players (who knew they had to collect elites before) and all those ?legit? snipers (ppl from not-so-poor countries with good internet, who don?t need to grind gold cards to make more coin than I do) have their 100+ cards, they ?patch? it.
Well, I guess those moralists now feel vindicated! Hurray! :(
The weirdest thing I?ve seen so far is someone selling MVP Harden for 2M.

Elites are worth 125k tops so far. The price of platinums was already low on Asia so without the crazy pulls of yesterday this set is only good for completing Pantheon sets. Which is what EA I originally intended I suppose.


Rookie 1
Got lots of Plat Pippen then some crazy pull like 99 Clyde Showdown, 98 Kemba, 99 KD and 100 Penny Showdown Master. All of them before the maintenance and those Pips were after they patched it.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
How nice! Now that all the ?inside-info? players (who knew they had to collect elites before) and all those ?legit? snipers (ppl from not-so-poor countries with good internet, who don?t need to grind gold cards to make more coin than I do) have their 100+ cards, they ?patch? it.
Well, I guess those moralists now feel vindicated! Hurray! :(

There were no inside info players because the set came as a surprise since it came to Global before any of the other games unless you count GCs and employees/friends of employees but that number would be so small


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief


Pro 1
How nice! Now that all the ?inside-info? players (who knew they had to collect elites before) and all those ?legit? snipers (ppl from not-so-poor countries with good internet, who don?t need to grind gold cards to make more coin than I do) have their 100+ cards, they ?patch? it.
Well, I guess those moralists now feel vindicated! Hurray! :(

There were no inside info players because the set came as a surprise since it came to Global before any of the other games unless you count GCs and employees/friends of employees but that number would be so small

Those were the ones I meant (check out 4katosh's video with the 20 pulls of 100+'s)


Pro 1
For example, last year in summer courts, in days where we didn't have early Asia/China news, 4katosh would get early access to some content, make a video about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gsav1AUsLE - and you could actually get some benefit for yourself - I remember getting a ton of golds based on info shared in these sneak-peaks.

That's how it is. Game Changers produce game-related content in exchange for free stuff and info.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
How nice! Now that all the ?inside-info? players (who knew they had to collect elites before) and all those ?legit? snipers (ppl from not-so-poor countries with good internet, who don?t need to grind gold cards to make more coin than I do) have their 100+ cards, they ?patch? it.
Well, I guess those moralists now feel vindicated! Hurray! :(

There were no inside info players because the set came as a surprise since it came to Global before any of the other games unless you count GCs and employees/friends of employees but that number would be so small

Those were the ones I meant (check out 4katosh's video with the 20 pulls of 100+'s)

Yeah I mentioned that in another post but I wouldn't be surprised if he stocked up on cards for under 50k a piece and turned them into cards he could sell for 2-30 mil and came out looking like a champ with 100s of millions of coins in profit


Rookie 2
It is now patched. I got the Detlef SD card again after putting in a lot of base elites and 90-93 elites that were of excess.

Then I use my SD shards and the 5 plat players to pull up the AD 106 card.

Damn, I now play with AD as PF and he's even better than Tim Duncan both at the D and in offence. AD swats away shots like no-one's business!


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