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good platinum pulls are now patched?


All-Star 1
It is now patched. I got the Detlef SD card again after putting in a lot of base elites and 90-93 elites that were of excess.

Then I use my SD shards and the 5 plat players to pull up the AD 106 card.

Damn, I now play with AD as PF and he's even better than Tim Duncan both at the D and in offence. AD swats away shots like no-one's business!

I agree about AD. He and Embiid are a solid duo down low.
Well, if the best QJB can pull is a 98 OVR then I don't have much hope for that the set anymore. I guess the same error that gave people platinum tokens also gave 100 OVR cards.


Rookie 1
2 crappy 95ers yesterday and 98 Ben Simmons today (sold him for almost 4M in a minute).

I couldn't play when set was broken so no +100 players for me lol.. but all that counts now is S3, so I'm not even mad.


Rookie 2
It is now patched. I got the Detlef SD card again after putting in a lot of base elites and 90-93 elites that were of excess.

Then I use my SD shards and the 5 plat players to pull up the AD 106 card.

Damn, I now play with AD as PF and he's even better than Tim Duncan both at the D and in offence. AD swats away shots like no-one's business!

I agree about AD. He and Embiid are a solid duo down low.

Yes, agreed.

Although I should mention because they gave me 5 GT 103+ players, my lineup changed with my excess plats doubling from 2 to 4, with one left to grind, and hustle.

I was very surprised that EA was being generous with some of its customers. W/o those GT cards, I wouldn't be able to snip for AD.
QJB keeps making these videos where he tries to bring us gameplay of the new cards in live events. That tells you how little he's been able to pull from the packs this season. If EA hadn't given him the LeBron Off-season cards I doubt he would have had much to show folks. It amuses me how he purchases stamina with NBA cash when he hasn't completed the stamina boost event or how he pulls TOTW, Specialist and Legendary platinums without realizing he can use them in the Rewind sets.


All-Star 3
QJB keeps making these videos where he tries to bring us gameplay of the new cards in live events. That tells you how little he's been able to pull from the packs this season. If EA hadn't given him the LeBron Off-season cards I doubt he would have had much to show folks. It amuses me how he purchases stamina with NBA cash when he hasn't completed the stamina boost event or how he pulls TOTW, Specialist and Legendary platinums without realizing he can use them in the Rewind sets.

I dont think he cares or he cares to know..


Rookie 2
QJB keeps making these videos where he tries to bring us gameplay of the new cards in live events. That tells you how little he's been able to pull from the packs this season. If EA hadn't given him the LeBron Off-season cards I doubt he would have had much to show folks. It amuses me how he purchases stamina with NBA cash when he hasn't completed the stamina boost event or how he pulls TOTW, Specialist and Legendary platinums without realizing he can use them in the Rewind sets.

I stopped watching his content a long time ago when I realized he's completely unaware of what's going on in-game and only opens packs.


Pro 1
There were no inside info players because the set came as a surprise since it came to Global before any of the other games unless you count GCs and employees/friends of employees but that number would be so small

Those were the ones I meant (check out 4katosh's video with the 20 pulls of 100+'s)

Yeah I mentioned that in another post but I wouldn't be surprised if he stocked up on cards for under 50k a piece and turned them into cards he could sell for 2-30 mil and came out looking like a champ with 100s of millions of coins in profit

I guess being a gamechanger has its perks :)
I can live with that.


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