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Gameplay style lineups are here


Rookie 1
Re: Additional lineups coming

Good stuff.

I'm fine with EA sticking with 3 distinct styles of play with Balanced, Offensive (Shooting), and Defensive (Defense).

While the super distinctive Small Ball and Big Man in the 5 man lineup from S1 was neat, this is definitely a better solution than S2's 2 lineups.

This way, users can have their best positional players on their main lineups, and still create 3 distinct style lineups on the side.

The Bench should be removed for sure. Lack of boosts thus far indicates that.

I wonder if Coaches will be impacted with this change, since the benefit of Coaches comes from matching styles on your lineup and Bench.

big man lineup was kinda useless cuz there was no rebounding stat in s1

They were hidden stats.


Pro 1
Re: Additional lineups coming

Ppl that want the bench removed from the game dont know what theyre talking about and are really not that good at this game.

False. People want to have high ovr?s without having to spend more. Makes sense.

I think that's a bit simplistic.

'High OVR' is always seen in comparison and in that case, top spenders would focus their resources in their starters as well.

And In the end, I don't see the gap/advantages changing as some users may suggest in the scenario of no-bench.


Rookie 1
Re: Additional lineups coming

Maybe they'll bring back stat boosting cards. i noticed they minimized the font of +5% fan boost..

and also maybe that is why their Bots are not buying any elites from what we post so that we can put our extra elites as soon as they drop the additional line up.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Additional lineups coming

Do we know when additional lineups will come?

The campaign (promo) lineup is coming when the tipoff campaign comes out in a few days but the gameplay style lineups will come next month
New Gameplay Style Line Ups Coming A Week From Today!

I thought there was an existing thread to place this in the News section, but maybe I was mistaken or it was deleted. Nonetheless, if you haven't seen Brian's twitter, he says that the lineups are coming a week from today if production goes according to plan.

He also stated that the lineups will indeed require benches and not just 5 players as many were hoping.

"Barring any delays in production....

3 gameplay style lineups coming one week from TODAY.

Start gathering players/coaches!"

(about the benches)

"Yes, there will be a bench."



All-Star 1
Re: New Gameplay Style Line Ups Coming A Week From Today!

I have no idea how they're going to implement this. So 4 lineups? Wondering if we can use players in the new ones as well as our main, like Tipoff was. Also, will they affect our franchise ovr? Questions questions questions


Pro 1
Re: New Gameplay Style Line Ups Coming A Week From Today!

That's great news to me.

New line-ups should mean more content, more cards, more possibilities in the AH and more diversity in showdown line-ups instead of very similar teams the whole time.

Hopefully they extend the new line-ups to all the modes in the game. Specially the league-friendly matches - it bothered me to not be able to play with classic LU in the whole s2.

Bench existing or not is kinda indifferent to me. But more cards is hardly a problem.
Re: New Gameplay Style Line Ups Coming A Week From Today!

Brian said we'll be able to use the new lineups in Showdown and Season mode from December. He didn't mention anything about LvL.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: New Gameplay Style Line Ups Coming A Week From Today!

I thought there was an existing thread to place this in the News section, but maybe I was mistaken or it was deleted. Nonetheless, if you haven't seen Brian's twitter, he says that the lineups are coming a week from today if production goes according to plan.

He also stated that the lineups will indeed require benches and not just 5 players as many were hoping.

"Barring any delays in production....

3 gameplay style lineups coming one week from TODAY.

Start gathering players/coaches!"

(about the benches)

"Yes, there will be a bench."

The thread wasn't deleted it was moved to the main forum due to no further news or discussion on it in 3 weeks but I merged the topics and moved it back to news thanks
Re: New Gameplay Style Line Ups Coming A Week From Today!

I thought there was an existing thread to place this in the News section, but maybe I was mistaken or it was deleted. Nonetheless, if you haven't seen Brian's twitter, he says that the lineups are coming a week from today if production goes according to plan.

He also stated that the lineups will indeed require benches and not just 5 players as many were hoping.

"Barring any delays in production....

3 gameplay style lineups coming one week from TODAY.

Start gathering players/coaches!"

(about the benches)

"Yes, there will be a bench."

The thread wasn't deleted it was moved to the main forum due to no further news or discussion on it in 3 weeks but I merged the topics and moved it back to news thanks

Ahhh. Ok. I think i went back only 2 weeks, wow didn't realize it had been so long since the last post lol


Rookie 3
Re: Additional lineups coming next week

Just as the AH was freed, prices dropped, (presume) ever one sold what they no longer needed. Now prices are rising again.. Rapidly! And will even more next week one would assume..

Bring on 3 lineups!


Rookie 1
Re: Additional lineups coming next week

Is it recommendable to buy players now to prepare for the 3 Line ups?

Is anyone doing it now, snipe the cheap ones and reserving it for next week?


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