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Gameplay style lineups are here


Rookie 1
Re: Additional lineups coming

People hate bench because it DECLINE LINEUP OVR.

To keep ovr high we must buy expensive elites and put them on the bench, where they are useless.
Exactly. The game was released month ago and we have zero players with stat boosts, so for me bench is a joke that cost us coins.. all would be ok if bench players didn't count to team OVR, but EA's goal is to force us to spend as much as possible so for them it's better to have useless bench that counts to team OVR.

If they add 2 new lineups and still want to keep bench it's better just one and the same bench for all 3 lineups.


Rookie 3
Staff member
Re: Additional lineups coming

Great info, thanks Common - moved to news section.


Rookie 1
Re: Additional lineups coming

S1 was 25 players over 5 lineups, face the prospect this could require 30 players. Those elites we can?t sell will come in handy right away.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Additional lineups coming

S1 was 25 players over 5 lineups, face the prospect this could require 30 players. Those elites we can?t sell will come in handy right away.

Yeah I'm seeing that as an almost guarantee because it gives people more lineups while also fooling people into spending money to fill out these lineups since 10 to 15 isn't a big enough jump for them to really consider it


Rookie 1
Re: Additional lineups coming

I wish they'd just bring back the 25-30 (depending on events) over 5 or 6 lineups. That was so much more fun. Playing with the same 10 guys (mostly 5) over and over last season got boring and didn't feel as engaging. I love the new weekly programs though, season 3 seems to be moving in a much better direction than last year.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Additional lineups coming

For those wondering we will get 3 additional lineups not 1 lineup turning into 3 so I think we won't have benches for the style specific lineups and just for the main lineup we have now


  • Screenshot_20181003-201827.png
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NBA Legend
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Community Chief


  • Screenshot_20181003-202527.png
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Rookie 1
Re: Additional lineups coming

Good stuff.

I'm fine with EA sticking with 3 distinct styles of play with Balanced, Offensive (Shooting), and Defensive (Defense).

While the super distinctive Small Ball and Big Man in the 5 man lineup from S1 was neat, this is definitely a better solution than S2's 2 lineups.

This way, users can have their best positional players on their main lineups, and still create 3 distinct style lineups on the side.

The Bench should be removed for sure. Lack of boosts thus far indicates that.

I wonder if Coaches will be impacted with this change, since the benefit of Coaches comes from matching styles on your lineup and Bench.


Rookie 1
Re: Additional lineups coming

Ppl that want the bench removed from the game dont know what theyre talking about and are really not that good at this game.


Rookie 2
Re: Additional lineups coming

Ppl that want the bench removed from the game dont know what theyre talking about and are really not that good at this game.

<I> I'll have you know I'm AT LEAST a top 100'000 player and I won't take such insults lightly. </I>


Rookie 1
Re: Additional lineups coming

Definitely excited about this. It's probably a good thing we haven't been able to sell our elites if we're going to need to spread them out over 3 lineups.

Brian's tweets gave the impression that this might not be happening for a while, but it's still something to keep in mind moving forward. Those who don't plan ahead will likely be set back with a lower OVR when the change is eventually made, especially if benches are kept.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Additional lineups coming

Definitely excited about this. It's probably a good thing we haven't been able to sell our elites if we're going to need to spread them out over 3 lineups.

Brian's tweets gave the impression that this might not be happening for a while, but it's still something to keep in mind moving forward. Those who don't plan ahead will likely be set back with a lower OVR when the change is eventually made, especially if benches are kept.

Oh yeah it will be some time because we will have a week off from promos and the promo (campaign if you will) lineup will come first so I think the 3 new lineups will be a few weeks away based in that


Pro 1
Re: Additional lineups coming

Wow... i think i?ll stop selling my extra elites and making so much coins.

In fact, I should start buying some, in case I can?t get any 80 under 250k once those extra lineups appear :roll:


Rookie 1
Re: Additional lineups coming

so our main lineup will still be there, but there will be 3 playstyle lineups? plus the campaign lineup there will be 5 total


Rookie 1
Re: Additional lineups coming

Good stuff.

I'm fine with EA sticking with 3 distinct styles of play with Balanced, Offensive (Shooting), and Defensive (Defense).

While the super distinctive Small Ball and Big Man in the 5 man lineup from S1 was neat, this is definitely a better solution than S2's 2 lineups.

This way, users can have their best positional players on their main lineups, and still create 3 distinct style lineups on the side.

The Bench should be removed for sure. Lack of boosts thus far indicates that.

I wonder if Coaches will be impacted with this change, since the benefit of Coaches comes from matching styles on your lineup and Bench.

big man lineup was kinda useless cuz there was no rebounding stat in s1


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