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Full Golden Ticket Player List


All-Star 1
Re: 103 OVR LNY Master GT Steve Nash

Isn't there a 2nd player for tomorrow? Just not known yet? I'll pass on Mr Nash, too spendy for those stats


Rookie 1
Re: 103 OVR GT Steve Nash and Giannis Antetokounmpo

Nice card indeed and nice post Stewie. Good to know you're here bro.
Re: 103 OVR LNY Master GT Steve Nash

Authored by EA.

Yeah most likely because no one anywhere heard of someone pulling a GT

Agreed. If you search for the previous GT1 "creators" (GHerbo and Kagami) the only ones that pop up...

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/XeWo4N5.jpg">

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/EGKuifr.jpg">

And I refuse to believe people in the 80s pulled a golden ticket. At the time I also searched every corner of social media and there was not even 1 screen shot or mention of anyone pulling a ticket.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
103 OVR GT Kevin Durant & Magic Johnson

103 OVR Finals MVP GT Shooting SF Kevin Durant with +4 SWC to Team (SET):

<IMG src="http://imgur.com/rsrFBWF.jpg">

<IMG src="http://imgur.com/mXRZqtC.jpg">

Here is the 100 OVR FMVP for context outside of rebounding it's a slightly worse card and then add on the fact that it has 1 less SWC in its boost and no clutch makes this a waste

<IMG src="http://imgur.com/miDlJYg.jpg">

<IMG src="http://imgur.com/JBThjfO.jpg">

103 OVR Royalty GT Run-N-Gun PG Magic Johnson '87 with +4 DKR to Team (PACK):

<IMG src="http://imgur.com/iuqW89s.jpg">

<IMG src="http://imgur.com/4rIIFjn.jpg">


Rookie 2
Re: 103 OVR GT Kevin Durant & Magic Johnson

This is for tomorrow I assume? Thanks for the heads up stewie.. yeah seems like a downgrade from the Original FMVP KD with triple/double clutch ability.

Hoping for a F&I Ben Simmons master with same NASTY AI...


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: 103 OVR GT Kevin Durant & Magic Johnson

This is for tomorrow I assume? Thanks for the heads up stewie.. yeah seems like a downgrade from the Original FMVP KD with triple/double clutch ability.

Hoping for a F&I Ben Simmons master with same NASTY AI...

Yep tomorrow's GTs, you're welcome, and yeah idk how a GT can have worse stats in a lot of spots then the card that inspired it

I'm personally hoping for a Bull set GT to keep because I have the pieces to build it a GT Rose with correct athleticism stats would be a dream


All-Star 1
Re: 103 OVR GT Kevin Durant & Magic Johnson

This is for tomorrow I assume? Thanks for the heads up stewie.. yeah seems like a downgrade from the Original FMVP KD with triple/double clutch ability.

Hoping for a F&I Ben Simmons master with same NASTY AI...

Yep tomorrow's GTs, you're welcome, and yeah idk how a GT can have worse stats in a lot of spots then the card that inspired it

I'm personally hoping for a Bull set GT to keep because I have the pieces to build it a GT Rose with correct athleticism stats would be a dream

That and it's allegedly +12 OVR more than its inspiration!


Rookie 2
Re: 103 OVR GT Kevin Durant & Magic Johnson

"Authored by AdiDrb" except no such user even exists. Devs think they're sly faking it when in reality no one pulled a single golden ticket.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: 103 OVR GT Kevin Durant & Magic Johnson

"Authored by AdiDrb" except no such user even exists. Devs think they're sly faking it when in reality no one pulled a single golden ticket.

Yeah not surprised we aren't stupid I know damn well in Madden when GTs are pulled people come out and say it and they even leak the card they're making but the Live team is out here pulling our chain with this bullshit


Rookie 2
Re: 103 OVR LNY Master GT Steve Nash

Authored by EA.

Yeah most likely because no one anywhere heard of someone pulling a GT

Agreed. If you search for the previous GT1 "creators" (GHerbo and Kagami) the only ones that pop up...

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/XeWo4N5.jpg">

<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/EGKuifr.jpg">

And I refuse to believe people in the 80s pulled a golden ticket. At the time I also searched every corner of social media and there was not even 1 screen shot or mention of anyone pulling a ticket.

The only one that might be legit is the Nash card. The username in it's description "Cosmin Deju" doesn't exist, but in his live event it says "DCCosmin", which is a 96 OVR user that might've made that.
Re: 103 OVR GT Kevin Durant & Magic Johnson

"Authored by AdiDrb" except no such user even exists. Devs think they're sly faking it when in reality no one pulled a single golden ticket.

Yeah not surprised we aren't stupid I know damn well in Madden when GTs are pulled people come out and say it and they even leak the card they're making but the Live team is out here pulling our chain with this bullshit
That's why we're getting repeat art work and cards with unimpressive stats for GTs. Usually when players pull tickets the cards created have crazy stats and screenshots are everywhere. It's impossible trying to find proof that someone actually pulled a ticket.


All-Star 1
Re: 103 OVR GT Kevin Durant & Magic Johnson

I really hope Magic isn't the pack player. I've gotta have that card but I don't wanna waste any $ on this game and I only have 40 mil in the bank. Dilemmas man, dilemmas


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