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NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Re: 103 OVR GT Gordon Hayward and Donovan Mitchell

Updated with pics of Mitchell's stats he has a background similar to 91 Wade


Pro 1
Re: 103 OVR GT Kevin Durant & Magic Johnson

I have been a "witness" during 4katosh GT creation & I can assure you that 's not true.

What happened to 4katosh? Is he working for EA or something? (I liked his videos and his explanations in general.)

He is a nba gamechanger. He says he is not 'working' for them but they give him free cash and some cards etc once in a while and helps I guess in game development and user feedback...he is active in the muthead forums and in instagram

Nice explanation... thanks.

Tell him to drop by whenever he gets the chance. It would be nice to have someone who could pass some of our woes to EA hehe


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: 103 OVR GT Kevin Durant & Magic Johnson

What happened to 4katosh? Is he working for EA or something? (I liked his videos and his explanations in general.)

He is a nba gamechanger. He says he is not 'working' for them but they give him free cash and some cards etc once in a while and helps I guess in game development and user feedback...he is active in the muthead forums and in instagram

Nice explanation... thanks.

Tell him to drop by whenever he gets the chance. It would be nice to have someone who could pass some of our woes to EA hehe

He was around on GG and didn't do much in terms of getting EA to actually do shit we realayed to him that he said he would relay to them GCs are glorified spokespersons except they only get paid in cards every month or 2 rather then money


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