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Emblem Pts (Monthly Master)


Rookie 1
So this means I can do this trade just once per week??


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All-Star 1
So this means I can do this trade just once per week??

I don't know why they even changed anything. I'm still grinding so many MM points that I could have started at zero and still had Shaq by the 15th. Cutting my points in half did nothing. Maybe there were people sitting on lots of points, idk.


Rookie 1

I don't know why they even changed anything. I'm still grinding so many MM points that I could have started at zero and still had Shaq by the 15th. Cutting my points in half did nothing. Maybe there were people sitting on lots of points, idk.
There was also a bit more excitement in the AH because of those players!!! I think I’ll grind the next campaign btw, probably having to buy the next pass!!😅😅


All-Star 3

I don't know why they even changed anything. I'm still grinding so many MM points that I could have started at zero and still had Shaq by the 15th. Cutting my points in half did nothing. Maybe there were people sitting on lots of points, idk.
nah the average user will find it a huge grind. early pull luck is a differnt thing though


All-Star 1
It takes nearly the entire month for a regular player.
Then that makes even less sense to me, that they would halve the saved points. Seems like that would only make sense if it was too easy or there were a lot of people saving too many points. But, idk what I'm talking about....why would it make sense to me? 🤦 It's EA
They must have got some info from their analytics people that forced the change. I like the fact that the free store pack gives emblems instead of a random silver player. I also like that you can turn the gold players in for emblems. The 250 emblem option is good too. They took the boost away from the jersey though. It didn’t give you much but it was something. I’m glad other modes gives emblems as well.


All-Star 3
Then that makes even less sense to me, that they would halve the saved points. Seems like that would only make sense if it was too easy or there were a lot of people saving too many points. But, idk what I'm talking about....why would it make sense to me? 🤦 It's EA
what i could figure based on the last few streams is that they are trying to curtail ovr rise. everything they have done in the last month is towards that
1.AH caps... cant upgrade teams as u usually buy a player and sell a player
2. the nerfing of the boosts
3. pay to play promos and doubling down on luck
4. MM changes including the new one where the emblems we get in the next month(not this) wont be carried to the next season ( s3 of this season)

f2p 95 is pretty tough right now and p2p 97 requires a lot of cash to get the live pass players

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
For f2p is now just matter of luck,if they continue like this with promo pass and make promos that you cant make any coins and broken AH to sell those players/jersey/courts that you dont need i dont see bright future for f2p players


Rookie 1
Then that makes even less sense to me, that they would halve the saved points. Seems like that would only make sense if it was too easy or there were a lot of people saving too many points. But, idk what I'm talking about....why would it make sense to me? 🤦 It's EA
$$$$$$$$€€€€€€€ making sense


Rookie 1
Advice needed guys. I already have Shaq from a lucky pull, but now have enough pts to spend 60k, so can get another Shaq. Would you get another Shaq and try to sell, or take the 50% hit and have a start for next month? Thanks


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Advice needed guys. I already have Shaq from a lucky pull, but now have enough pts to spend 60k, so can get another Shaq. Would you get another Shaq and try to sell, or take the 50% hit and have a start for next month? Thanks
I'd wait because cards are so hard to sell and that goes for Shaq as well so you don't want to get stuck with 2 Shaqs


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