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Emblem Pts (Monthly Master)


Rookie 1
Definitely wait. Shaq doesn’t sell. Keep your total just shy of 60k to ensure pts carryover.
Nice one. I've been sat around 60k for about two wks, occasionally dipping in for a few card pulls then going back up to 60k. I got fed up with it, so just left it at 60k. Just read your post and notched it back down to 59,750. Many thanks for that - hopefully just in time.


All-Star 1
So they're going back on their word just 2 months later I'm not surprised
I'm was under the impression that nothing was carrying over based on what they said back then. BUT, I find it annoying that they act like a News Message that was up for a couple days, 2 months ago, is something that we should well remember and know.

Also, which of the players/ customers/ consumers of this game asked for "multiple versions" of the Master? There are probably 100 new players who could/ would use an 84/86/88 version of the Master. My head hurts just thinking about this Dev team


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I'm was under the impression that nothing was carrying over based on what they said back then. BUT, I find it annoying that they act like a News Message that was up for a couple days, 2 months ago, is something that we should well remember and know.

Also, which of the players/ customers/ consumers of this game asked for "multiple versions" of the Master? There are probably 100 new players who could/ would use an 84/86/88 version of the Master. My head hurts just thinking about this Dev team
I remember it said points carry over in the same season so from Shaq to AI but are halved between seasons like from Erving to Shaq so either they meant it as a 1 time thing when they said it or they went back on it because Shaq and AI were far more common than Robertson and Erving probably combined but who knows because those damn cards still aren't auctionable but at least the specialists will be soon

Also them giving us new ultimate store players but making us start over again with tickets that don't carry over is a shitty move for them to pull because you need to spend money to get more than 1 player from there or wait months to get said 1 player like people had to do with Penny if they didn't buy a single live pass


All-Star 1

Also them giving us new ultimate store players but making us start over again with tickets that don't carry over is a shitty move for them to pull because you need to spend money to get more than 1 player from there or wait months to get said 1 player like people had to do with Penny if they didn't buy a single live pass
Damn, I didn't realize this was happening. Wtf.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Damn, I didn't realize this was happening. Wtf.

That's for the other stuff but I got a notification from the game a few hours ago that said new ultimate store masters are coming and live tickets will not carry over so we need to spend them now


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
And of course Legend is still on his usual bullshit to this day which is why I'm glad I'm not around him all the time like on .GG


All-Star 1
And of course Legend is still on his usual bullshit to this day which is why I'm glad I'm not around him all the time like on .GG View attachment 5764
He's an ass. Suckle on the teat a little more, why dontcha, Legend? Same BS viewpoint that EA likes to give us...... That somehow we're at fault/ should've known/ should've remembered the insignificant message from months ago/ should've had annoying Push Messages set to ON...... 🥱

The bitching would be at a normal level if EA did what all normal adults are expected to do: communicate with each other and treat each other well. Taking things away and constantly moving the goalposts without warning is the antithesis of that


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
He's an ass. Suckle on the teat a little more, why dontcha, Legend? Same BS viewpoint that EA likes to give us...... That somehow we're at fault/ should've known/ should've remembered the insignificant message from months ago/ should've had annoying Push Messages set to ON...... 🥱

The bitching would be at a normal level if EA did what all normal adults are expected to do: communicate with each other and treat each other well. Taking things away and constantly moving the goalposts without warning is the antithesis of that


Pro 2
I‘ve come to realize this mini-season deal is just a way to screw us over. There’s no other reason for it. 55,000 MM points. 200+ live pass tickets. Worthless. There’s no other reason to be doing this. Treating every 60 days like an actual new season (except we keep our coins and cards).


All-Star 1
I‘ve come to realize this mini-season deal is just a way to screw us over. There’s no other reason for it. 55,000 MM points. 200+ live pass tickets. Worthless. There’s no other reason to be doing this. Treating every 60 days like an actual new season (except we keep our coins and cards).
It certainly isn't adding anything interesting for the user. Another pointless lineup to keep upgrading so you don't get smoked in LVL? No thanks. Lose everything you've gained from hard grinding? No thanks. I could better deal with all of this madness if they were adding interesting/ engaging promos and making something, anything better. But it's just the usual copy/ paste, mistake after mistake, new Master at the same exact position and playstyle as last week, nerfed gameplay monotony
Wait, can people play against your other lineups in LvL?

EDIT: You can tell how much I've been paying attention.
Last edited:


Rookie 1
LVL rewards are joke anyways.. going for better special lineup doesn't justify it because of lvl win or lose difference is only stamina quicksell value.


Pro 2
LVL rewards are joke anyways.. going for better special lineup doesn't justify it because of lvl win or lose difference is only stamina quicksell value.
lvl isn’t reward heavy, it’s not the point really. Lvl is the guts of H2H competition. Winning and losing is a much bigger deal (for most) in lvl than other gameplay.


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