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Elite cards not selling under new cap prices


All-Star 1
I chucked an Elite into the friggin exchange in offseason movers. Kevin "no body loves him" Love. Might be worth it to do this for some cards, otherwise he's just sitting around as dead weight, not getting bid on or used. Got 2 randles out of the 10 golds, so that's at least 30-35 for 2 cards. 8 other cards to make about 80K + 30-35K, which after AH tax is about how much I was selling Love for.

What about the 40k for the 20 boxes?
I chucked an Elite into the friggin exchange in offseason movers. Kevin "no body loves him" Love. Might be worth it to do this for some cards, otherwise he's just sitting around as dead weight, not getting bid on or used. Got 2 randles out of the 10 golds, so that's at least 30-35 for 2 cards. 8 other cards to make about 80K + 30-35K, which after AH tax is about how much I was selling Love for.

What about the 30k for the 15 boxes?

*20 Boxes :/

I haven't spent any coins on boxes, though. Fortunately i had a bunch of them, just from claiming the bonus packs regularly and buying rep packs from showdown grinding. and they're selling for 100 a piece in the AH, from 2k a piece in the store lol....


All-Star 1
I chucked an Elite into the friggin exchange in offseason movers. Kevin "no body loves him" Love. Might be worth it to do this for some cards, otherwise he's just sitting around as dead weight, not getting bid on or used. Got 2 randles out of the 10 golds, so that's at least 30-35 for 2 cards. 8 other cards to make about 80K + 30-35K, which after AH tax is about how much I was selling Love for.

What about the 30k for the 15 boxes?

*20 Boxes :/

I haven't spent any coins on boxes, though. Fortunately i had a bunch of them, just from claiming the bonus packs regularly and buying rep packs from showdown grinding. and they're selling for 100 a piece in the AH, from 2k a piece in the store lol....
Yeah, I mixed the box qty with the elite set. Corrected it while you were typing. Anyway, thanks for the heads up on the boxes in the AH.

Edit: oh, you meant quicksell...
What about the 30k for the 15 boxes?

*20 Boxes :/

I haven't spent any coins on boxes, though. Fortunately i had a bunch of them, just from claiming the bonus packs regularly and buying rep packs from showdown grinding. and they're selling for 100 a piece in the AH, from 2k a piece in the store lol....
Yeah, I mixed the box qty with the elite set. Corrected it while you were typing. Anyway, thanks for the heads up on the boxes in the AH.

Np, they also made the lottery balls sellable, at a much better 500 a piece


Rookie 1
To my frustration I posted Donovan 80 Ovr for 25K and nobody buys it why? because EA just put our cards into LIMBO a place where no one see's it in the market.


All-Star 3
To my frustration I posted Donovan 80 Ovr for 25K and nobody buys it why? because EA just put our cards into LIMBO a place where no one see's it in the market.

Use the elite set and convert the elite into golds...sell the golds.. u can make 75k to 100k ...IF u want to get rid of it


Pro 1
To my frustration I posted Donovan 80 Ovr for 25K and nobody buys it why? because EA just put our cards into LIMBO a place where no one see's it in the market.

That Range is bad, but If you're willing to get only 25k of return from an elite 80ovr, wouldn't you be better trying the the elite+boxes to 10 golds?

I pulled a 80 wiggins in SD. since is value is low, I used the set and my returns were better than his market value.

That set was clearly an answer to 'I can't get any return from my elites' yet it's still overlooked and now it becomes less worthy than it was earlier.

edit - only now i noticed @anatdoc saying just the same :)
To my frustration I posted Donovan 80 Ovr for 25K and nobody buys it why? because EA just put our cards into LIMBO a place where no one see's it in the market.

Use the elite set and convert the elite into golds...sell the golds.. u can make 75k to 100k ...IF u want to get rid of it
Personally I've decided to save my elites for a future set. I'm sure some future sets will require elites. As far as price range for 80 elites I'm now almost 100% sure they will not sell at ANY price. I've now officially tried every acceptible price range since the beginning with 100s of attempts at posting. Until I see a screesnshot of an 80elite selling recently I've decided the bot just ain't buying 80 elites.


Rookie 1
To my frustration I posted Donovan 80 Ovr for 25K and nobody buys it why? because EA just put our cards into LIMBO a place where no one see's it in the market.

Use the elite set and convert the elite into golds...sell the golds.. u can make 75k to 100k ...IF u want to get rid of it
Personally I've decided to save my elites for a future set. I'm sure some future sets will require elites. As far as price range for 80 elites I'm now almost 100% sure they will not sell at ANY price. I've now officially tried every acceptible price range since the beginning with 100s of attempts at posting. Until I see a screesnshot of an 80elite selling recently I've decided the bot just ain't buying 80 elites.

This guy sold Beal, but it was for a cheap price.

This guy sold Beal, but it was for a cheap price.

That's interesting! The lowest I've gone is a price range of 5k (e.g. 90-95k, 85-90k, 80-85k and so on down to 50k-55k). That Beal sold at 55k bid- 58k bin so I'm guessing you gotta keep the price range at <3k for 80 elites. Thanks for posting I'll try that and see how it works.
as pointed out, as long as you have the boxes, the elite exchange is a nice workaround. Has anyone had any luck selling elites lately?

Does changing the AH require only maintenance, or will it maybe need to be rolled out in an actual update? Maybe we will see a change in the AH monday. Of course it wont be announced across the whole game if it happens, I'm guessing, and at best we get a tweet from Brian since they have to be secretive about caps, etc.
Anyone ever notice that 80 elites don't have a quicksell but promo elites do? Not that you'd want to quicksell either of them, but I wonder if this has to do with cards not selling/getting posted....


Pro 1
55k/58k did not work for 80 Aldridge

that should only work for beal and wiggins.

meanwhile, Asros is saying there will be a new exchange for new content involving elites

So, after they had the the elite+boxes to 10 golds in OSM, I guess that format will continue to be the way to get something out of elites if the rest of the conditions remains unchanged


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