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Elite cards not selling under new cap prices


Rookie 1
So now one can't post an 80ovr elite for more than 115 -120k I guess I don't see any new cards coming which are more than that .. theirs caps on .. It will be hard to get your fav elites because you don't see lillard durant curry lauri etc in the auction house .. If any inputs comment below


Rookie 1
Re: New auction house change ??

So now one can't post an 80ovr elite for more than 115 -120k I guess I don't see any new cards coming which are more than that .. theirs caps on .. It will be hard to get your fav elites because you don't see lillard durant curry lauri etc in the auction house .. If any inputs comment below

I believe the max now for an 80ovr elite that you can post is 109k

EDIT: 111k highest I seen


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: New auction house change ??

Yes the caps were lowered this was something that people were told about 24 hours ago with this thread...

threads/752"]<LINK_TEXT text="viewtopic.php?f=16&t=752">threads/752</LINK_TEXT>[/URL]


Rookie 1
Re: New auction house change ??

It looks like there's now a tiny window of 100-111k approximately that you can list a damn elite. This doesn't really make the situation any better than it was IMO. Still eliminates buying and selling for any real coin profit, which for some is one of if not the most fun things about the game.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: New auction house change ??

It looks like there's now a tiny window of 100-111k approximately that you can list a damn elite. This doesn't really make the situation any better than it was IMO. Still eliminates buying and selling for any real coin profit, which for some is one of if not the most fun things about the game.

The window isn't that small I've seen elites sell for 50k the problem now is they didn't announce the price caps changes in game so people aren't listing for correct prices so their cards aren't showing up
Re: New auction house change ??

It looks like there's now a tiny window of 100-111k approximately that you can list a damn elite. This doesn't really make the situation any better than it was IMO. Still eliminates buying and selling for any real coin profit, which for some is one of if not the most fun things about the game.

The window isn't that small I've seen elites sell for 50k the problem now is they didn't announce the price caps changes in game so people aren't listing for correct prices so their cards aren't showing up

I noticed earlier there were a ton of elites that still had 48 or more hours til bid ends. Would it be that hard to allow us to be able to close our own bid items?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: New auction house change ??

It looks like there's now a tiny window of 100-111k approximately that you can list a damn elite. This doesn't really make the situation any better than it was IMO. Still eliminates buying and selling for any real coin profit, which for some is one of if not the most fun things about the game.

The window isn't that small I've seen elites sell for 50k the problem now is they didn't announce the price caps changes in game so people aren't listing for correct prices so their cards aren't showing up

I noticed earlier there were a ton of elites that still had 48 or more hours til bid ends. Would it be that hard to allow us to be able to close our own bid items?

That's something that will never happen because they don't want people to get extra chances imagine how low prices could be if people pulled their cards every time someone put a card for a lower price it would cause a domino effect they don't want to happen
Re: New auction house change ??

The window isn't that small I've seen elites sell for 50k the problem now is they didn't announce the price caps changes in game so people aren't listing for correct prices so their cards aren't showing up

I noticed earlier there were a ton of elites that still had 48 or more hours til bid ends. Would it be that hard to allow us to be able to close our own bid items?

That's something that will never happen because they don't want people to get extra chances imagine how low prices could be if people pulled their cards every time someone put a card for a lower price it would cause a domino effect they don't want to happen

That makes sense, I suppose. I dont know if it's good or bad that 75 golds are being priced at 9500 starting bid. I'll admit, this is my first season actually trying to pay attention to the AH so I'm a newb. It just seems like if those 75's are selling for that low, or not selling at all, maybe it's worth it to chuck em into the Front Office Elite set?

I did it once already and I guess going this route just means you wont be able to get the 81 Elite from the set (15 gold boxes??? and 25 75+ golds???? lol.)

I dont remember ever having so many gold 75 players, but it seemed like they just got sprinkled on us today...Maybe it was the rep packs. I just know it wasn't a bad profit to sell them for 20-30 a piece, but 10k? Great market for buyers I guess


All-Star 3
Re: New auction house change ??

Are u guys able to sell elites.. ?

What bin/buy combinations are effective?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: New auction house change ??

I noticed earlier there were a ton of elites that still had 48 or more hours til bid ends. Would it be that hard to allow us to be able to close our own bid items?

That's something that will never happen because they don't want people to get extra chances imagine how low prices could be if people pulled their cards every time someone put a card for a lower price it would cause a domino effect they don't want to happen

That makes sense, I suppose. I dont know if it's good or bad that 75 golds are being priced at 9500 starting bid. I'll admit, this is my first season actually trying to pay attention to the AH so I'm a newb. It just seems like if those 75's are selling for that low, or not selling at all, maybe it's worth it to chuck em into the Front Office Elite set?

I did it once already and I guess going this route just means you wont be able to get the 81 Elite from the set (15 gold boxes??? and 25 75+ golds???? lol.)

I dont remember ever having so many gold 75 players, but it seemed like they just got sprinkled on us today...Maybe it was the rep packs. I just know it wasn't a bad profit to sell them for 20-30 a piece, but 10k? Great market for buyers I guess

Well 75+ gold cards no longer have a minimum cap it appears so it will get as low as people are willing to sell them for like last season the Melo packs and now Kawhi packs are the reason for the abundance of golds because you could make a lot of profit from them very early yesterday with 2 75+ for only 25k


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: New auction house change ??

I posted an 80 Wiggins for 95K/102K and did not sell. I cant find the mirror card

Can someone explain the mirror card to me?

If you post a card for an acceptable enough price according to the bot it will make a clone of your card on either your AH on one of the other AHs it will have the same time but not the same price and it is the card that people can buy if it sells then the bot can decide to buy your card sometimes it doesn't need to sell for yours to get bought by the bot and in extreme cases the bot won't mirror or buy your card at all even if it's within the cap which is a big issue
Re: New auction house change ??

I posted an 80 Wiggins for 95K/102K and did not sell. I cant find the mirror card

Can someone explain the mirror card to me?

If you post a card for an acceptable enough price according to the bot it will make a clone of your card on either your AH on one of the other AHs it will have the same time but not the same price and it is the card that people can buy if it sells then the bot can decide to buy your card sometimes it doesn't need to sell for yours to get bought by the bot and in extreme cases the bot won't mirror or buy your card at all even if it's within the cap which is a big issue

Does the bot come into play just to increase visibility of the cards, or do ALL cards have to get mirrored and/or bought by the bot?

I'm trying to wrap my head around it. So, the bot makes a copy at a different price that people can bid on? And this copy may or may not be in the AH that I browse? And the surefire way to know it's my copy is that it has the EXACT same time? or will the time maybe be off a few minutes?
Re: New auction house change ??

I'm having a hard time selling golds since the update. I guess I'm not familiar with the new caps. Prior to the update, I was able to sell everything I listed.


Rookie 1
Re: New auction house change ??

Right now 5 of my 80 overall elite cards won?t even sell for 105k buy now price or less, even tried to put up bradley beal for 80k starting bid and 95k buy now price and it wont even sell. This is bot thing is just dumb, the only elite that I?ve sold is the 81 dwight from the offseason movers promo for 250k yesterday but other than that, I haven?t sold any 80 overall elite so far.


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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: New auction house change ??

Can someone explain the mirror card to me?

If you post a card for an acceptable enough price according to the bot it will make a clone of your card on either your AH on one of the other AHs it will have the same time but not the same price and it is the card that people can buy if it sells then the bot can decide to buy your card sometimes it doesn't need to sell for yours to get bought by the bot and in extreme cases the bot won't mirror or buy your card at all even if it's within the cap which is a big issue

Does the bot come into play just to increase visibility of the cards, or do ALL cards have to get mirrored and/or bought by the bot?

I'm trying to wrap my head around it. So, the bot makes a copy at a different price that people can bid on? And this copy may or may not be in the AH that I browse? And the surefire way to know it's my copy is that it has the EXACT same time? or will the time maybe be off a few minutes?

Yes the cards have to get mirrored and as for the 2nd part everything except for the bolded part is correct


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