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EA bots are killing the AH

Re: EA bots is killing the AH

I do not know what the developers say but the AH for base elites is broke. I tried to sell a base elite Kevin Love and i received no bids even when lowered the buy now price to 50k and the starting bid at 10K. Yet in AH i could see Love snapped at 100k+ quickly. My card was never posted.....I ended up using Love in the elite to gold exchange set and sold the golds no problem.

I kind of agree with one user who seem to suggest that maybe this is EA way of taking your coins. I kinda believe that the elites posted are probably from EA and they serve the purpose of getting your valuable coins so forcing you to buy coins.

Is this possible?? Like, I know I've seen people sell program elites at times, but has anyone here ever sold a regular elite since the cap changes? This theory sounds crazy, but it almost makes sense. Since EA couldn't control the AH, they just give us the appearance of a market, but a poor attempt at that.


Rookie 1
Re: EA bots is killing the AH

Does it make sense that all base elites are posted with only xxx,001 difference between start price and buy now....for example 104,000 start price - 104,001 buy now...It does not resemble an auction to me......

Can someone find a base elite auction that is does not have the xxx,001 difference?
Re: EA bots is killing the AH

Does it make sense that all base elites are posted with only xxx,001 difference between start price and buy now....for example 104,000 start price - 104,001 buy now...It does not resemble an auction to me......

Can someone find a base elite auction that is does not have the xxx,001 difference?
They ALL end in 001 on my AH. I don't think the bot is mirroring cards as people have suggested or this value would differ. The bot is setting it's own prices.
Re: EA bots is killing the AH

Right now by default or by design you cannot profit from sniping or from flipping cards in the AH. The filters that people have come up with have only delivered small profits compared to previous seasons. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to list your card for below the price floor. The bot isn't going to buy it and it won't let others see it.

I belong to two different AHs and the only elites that are visible for below 100k and SGs, SFs and Cs, presumably because EA lowered the price floor on those cards due to Harden, LeBron, and Shaq/Embiid. The trouble is that nobody wants to buy an 80 OVR base elite when there are alternatives like Harden and LeBron and when an 80 OVR on the bench doesn't impact your team OVR, especially with so many 77-79 OVR golds available in each promo. The low price elites are going unsold every four hours and so are the base price elites.

If the base price elites aren't selling then the bot won't buy them, It's as simple as that. People have this notion that the bot magically buys your card if it's in the perfect price range but it doesn't work like that. You can tell that by the random way that it buys up the golds you list. You have to cycle them through constantly in order to sell all of them. The best time to sell an 80 OVR was right after the price change because people were buying up the 100k elites each round. Some people probably thought they were snipes and imagined they could flip them for a profit but that's only been possible so far in the early stages of a promo with gold cards.

The same problem happens when you try to sell an 81 Offseason Mover. No-one wants to buy them so the bot doesn't bid on them. Look at how many go unsold hour after hour. There is no demand for them. The only card that I consistently see with any demand is the 82 OVR Garnett which is regularly bid on for 380k.

If EA doesn't want to allow sniping or AH manipulation then they need to lower the prices. They won't do that however because they want to keep prices high during promos because of the set requirements. And they have admitted that they haven't found a way for the bot to distinguish between promo cards and regular cards. Until they fix that problem the AH is going to remain static as far as I can see.


Rookie 1
Re: EA bots is killing the AH

I still have my doubts on this. My observation has been that whenever a Love base was available in my AH, the card was instantly sold at between 100K-110K. No Love card was unsold. Therefore, there was demand for the card.

I listed my card over 15 times from price ranges up to 100K but none was not sold. Not sure what is the new cap floor but it seems to me the bot is not buying base cards full-stop.

I doubt that from so many players nobody wants to buy and elite lets say for 50K when they are happily 40K for a 79 gold....It does not make sense to me...
Re: EA bots is killing the AH

Nobody seems to want Otto Porter Jr. at 78k. Wiggins has a bid at 48k on one of my AHs right now. Something shady is going on for sure but if we can't see PFs at >100k then you have to assume that you can only post a SG, SF or C at that price and have it visible on the AH that the bot posts it to.

A Love should sell for between 100-115k, though. If it's not selling at that price then it does make you wonder if the base elites we're seeling were released by the server.
Re: EA bots is killing the AH

There are now 6 Loves in my AH. These don?t look like server drops. People are selling off their PFs now that Griffin is available. One has gone unsold for over 2 hours.
Re: EA bots is killing the AH

There are now 6 Loves in my AH. These don?t look like server drops. People are selling off their PFs now that Griffin is available. One has gone unsold for over 2 hours.

That Griffin's stats are so bad compared to Love lol

Edit: I'll reserve judgement until I see the 85 version. Maybe some of those stats increase by +2 or + 3 on the level ups
Re: EA bots is killing the AH


<IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/Up9HHuq.png">

Interesting indeed. Probably because his in demand. I see all these screen shots of cards selling yet I've been unable to sell any 80 or 81 card since the beginning. Literally I've sold none. I got 3 81 DeAndre, 2 81 Gasols, 2 80 Simmons, 1 80 Paul George, and 1 80 Giannis, all of which I've posted so many times and nothing. But as you've stated in a previous post I guess people just aren't buying these cards.
Re: EA bots is killing the AH

I think we are being bamboozled lol. EVERY non program elite has a BN of a dollar more? The only ones that are different are the Wiggins which are always 40-50k. How does that card and Porter get listed at so much less?? Somethings off, and as others have said, they don't care to fix it. They have coin packs for a reason....


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: EA bots is killing the AH

Does it make sense that all base elites are posted with only xxx,001 difference between start price and buy now....for example 104,000 start price - 104,001 buy now...It does not resemble an auction to me......

Can someone find a base elite auction that is does not have the xxx,001 difference?
They ALL end in 001 on my AH. I don't think the bot is mirroring cards as people have suggested or this value would differ. The bot is setting it's own prices.

Fwiw the bot has always set its own price on the mirror cards they've never posted cards for the same price as the card that's being mirrored it's a way to help stop coin buying (on top of just not buying your card when your mirror sells) by confusing the one that is supposed to buy your card to complete the transaction


Rookie 1
Re: EA bots is killing the AH

At least some Lillards are appearing. Finally got my boy.

I have been trying to sell an 80 ovr Lillard for ages. I have tried all possible combinations of bid and buy now prices. Nothing seems to work and I never see any Lillard card being mirrored on the ah. It can happen that a less popular card like Lowry is being sold for exactly the same price combination as my card but Lillard will not be sold. Really something shady going on.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: EA bots is killing the AH

At least some Lillards are appearing. Finally got my boy.

I have been trying to sell an 80 ovr Lillard for ages. I have tried all possible combinations of bid and buy now prices. Nothing seems to work and I never see any Lillard card being mirrored on the ah. It can happen that a less popular card like Lowry is being sold for exactly the same price combination as my card but Lillard will not be sold. Really something shady going on.

Even if your card is mirrored (it must be in the price range to get mirrored which is 50-100k to be safe that includes bid and bin prices) it is almost a guarantee that it won't be mirrored in your AH because they made it like that to stop people from transferring cards from one account to another specific account as well as give one more countermeasure against coin selling they made sure to do a bunch of stuff to out that to a rest


Rookie 1
Re: EA bots is killing the AH

Stewie, so let me clarify my understanding.

You put a card up for auction. If the card is within acceptable caps (floor/max), a mirror copy card is created by the bot and it gets posted for a different price and at a different AH from your own. So you cannot tell if that mirror card corresponds to the one you posted.

If the mirror cards gets bought, then the bot may or may not decide to buy your card. IN case the bot decides NOT to buy your card, does that mean EA created a duplicate card that got sold while you are still holding to your own?

It appears to me that EA not only screws you but not being able to sell your player at a price you want, but takes 10% fee and on top of that sells your mirror card at a higher price than what you posted.

Rather being called Auction House it should be named RipOff House. The whole process is definitely not an auction anymore....


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