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Christmas Present Pulls


Rookie 1
Well, you know what they say about luck, wait until yours changes.

Got the 175K promo to get the 90 Curry, and the ultra present with it, pulled that 94 McCollum with clutch. Suddenly, the pain of multiple Middletons disappears like yesterday's toothache.

Now, do I want him or the 4M coins? I already have over 10M. Think I will keep him.

And now my ignored street lineup is good. Any recommendations for street PF & C from AH?


Pro 1
Well, you know what they say about luck, wait until yours changes.

Got the 175K promo to get the 90 Curry, and the ultra present with it, pulled that 94 McCollum with clutch. Suddenly, the pain of multiple Middletons disappears like yesterday's toothache.

Now, do I want him or the 4M coins? I already have over 10M. Think I will keep him.

And now my ignored street lineup is good. Any recommendations for street PF & C from AH?
In my AH McCollum is going for 5,5M+

Not many PF and C street option. Best C I think it’s 91 Allen probably. The new 93 PF Melo is the highest ovr PF, with awesome but weird stats for a PF. Wouldn’t mind trying him but at 3M+ i feel he’s overpriced. I’m still using 87s Love and Shaq (in a 90 ovr street lineup)


Rookie 1
Whoa 5.5M... tough to pass that up for a card that might not be starting by spring. Have to give that some thought.

Thanks for the advice on the street players.


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