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Christmas Present Pulls


Pro 2
All I’ve gotten from a bunch of presents were a few 86s...and some other worthless sh!t.

last year there was some continuity with ovrs. You could level the Garnett et al trio to 90 or 91. Magic was effectively the monthly master and could be leveled to 93 and it took all bloody month to do so. Then the Christmas Ghost dropped at 94s with the first abilities.

this year they are all over the place. We still have a campaign going with masters at 88 & 89, but we got a 92 center a couple days ago. And 14 90 golden ticket cards weeks ago. Also the north pole gives a 90. Presents are randomly dropping 91-92s. Those of us who bought the pro version of live pass, and grinded SD and pvp like crazy, got a 92 Zion a couple days ago, and a 92 Allen today. And then they skipped the 90 ovr entirely in GOTW and dropped a 91 version of Allen(same lineup style) in GOTW sets that is same card except -1 on each attribute, so yeah, the same f###ing card. Kinda a slap in the face.

These guys (ea) are just everywhere at once and nowhere at all. I get the distinct impression they haven’t story boarded a damn thing. That’s how it looks.


All-Star 1
All I’ve gotten from a bunch of presents were a few 86s...and some other worthless sh!t.

last year there was some continuity with ovrs. You could level the Garnett et al trio to 90 or 91. Magic was effectively the monthly master and could be leveled to 93 and it took all bloody month to do so. Then the Christmas Ghost dropped at 94s with the first abilities.

this year they are all over the place. We still have a campaign going with masters at 88 & 89, but we got a 92 center a couple days ago. And 14 90 golden ticket cards weeks ago. Also the north pole gives a 90. Presents are randomly dropping 91-92s. Those of us who bought the pro version of live pass, and grinded SD and pvp like crazy, got a 92 Zion a couple days ago, and a 92 Allen today. And then they skipped the 90 ovr entirely in GOTW and dropped a 91 version of Allen(same lineup style) in GOTW sets that is same card except -1 on each attribute, so yeah, the same f###ing card. Kinda a slap in the face.

These guys (ea) are just everywhere at once and nowhere at all. I get the distinct impression they haven’t story boarded a damn thing. That’s how it looks.
Dude, even the sets for presents are jacked up. The 18th disappeared and then I pulled a present this morning for that set. It works in todays sets which is great......but why the hell even have different sets in the first place? Or why make some expire? Smh


Rookie 1
7 gold presents : 86 Barry, 10k quicksell, elite legendary, gold legendary, elite legendary, 10k quicksell, 86 Barry

7 elite : 86 Walker clutch, 250 shards Zion, 90 Green, 86 Porter, 83 Edwards, 200 NBA Cash, 200 NBA Cash


Pro 2
I've opened up all my silvers (weird how the gold/elites expire in 48 hours) but I'm about to open up the rest in a few. Nothing fancy so far


Pro 2
I've opened up all my silvers (weird how the gold/elites expire in 48 hours) but I'm about to open up the rest in a few. Nothing fancy so far
Silver presents: gold coach, 3x 5 shards, 6x coals, 83 elite, 80 elite, 100 dust, gold jersey, 200 stamina
Gold presents: 2x gold jersey, legendary player (gold), 50 shards, 10k coins, elite present (23rd)
Elite presents: 2x blue presents, 2x 100 shards (I have a total of 3 now)
Screenshot_20191223-211628_NBA Live.jpg


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I pulled an 89 Christmas Middleton from an elite present then pulled an ultra present for today (my only one so far) in my last elite present and pulled Pippen with that I've seen people pull platinum Christmas Sigs with that present so I'm sure like with the other gift tiers the rewards stay the same no matter the day


Rookie 1
4 Ultra presents yielded 91 Harden (which I already got on Day 1 from elite), 87 Millsap, 87 Ingram (both Christmas Day), 90 Klay Thompson - golden ticket


Pro 2
Wow that sucks lol was that in the same present or separate ones
I’ve opened a bunch of ultra presents and got nothing higher than an 89, mostly 86-88. All not auctionable. I figure I have 15mil worth of coins sitting there unable to sell. By the time they can be sold, it will be like trying to sell 85s was and prolly about the same value.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I’ve opened a bunch of ultra presents and got nothing higher than an 89, mostly 86-88. All not auctionable. I figure I have 15mil worth of coins sitting there unable to sell. By the time they can be sold, it will be like trying to sell 85s was and prolly about the same value.
Yeah so many crappy odds I pulled Kanter from the live event set after I pulled him from an elite gift a few days ago


Pro 2
I pulled an 89 Christmas Middleton from an elite present then pulled an ultra present for today (my only one so far) in my last elite present and pulled Pippen with that I've seen people pull platinum Christmas Sigs with that present so I'm sure like with the other gift tiers the rewards stay the same no matter the day
You got the ghost pippen???


Pro 2
12/25 presents
silver: 0
Gold: legendary player gold, 83 elite, 74 gold, elite jersey, 2x 86 elite
Elite: 100 shard, 86 elite legend, 86 elite, ultra present
Ultra (in order) : 4400 nba cash, 91 Conley sig series 2 ed, 88 Lowery xmas day player, 740 shards


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