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Christmas Present Pulls


Pro 1
Time for my fantastic pulls...

So, on the whole North Pole campaign I got an amazing... 88 Kennard. Which I had already gotten from the AH (not a bad card actually).
Other than that it was only 82s, 83s and 85s. Not even one 86 (when they were a bit useful... not anymore).

Topper 1x 89 Middleton (non auctionable; doesn't even fit my lineup).
3x 86 Harrell (also non auctionable).

Some get great presents and, as usual, I get total crap.

Merry Christmas EA.
I'll be sure to remember this CRAP next time I feel tempted to spend real money on this game.

Btw, all those new 94s make 94 Lillard close to irrelevant. A piss on whoever was stupid enough (like me) to get a stupid worthless Live Pass.


All-Star 1
I got Middleton and 750 worthless AD shards in 4 elite and 3 ultra. Oh and 2x 86 Richardson from 2 of the ultras. 🙄

Not really complaining though about my pulls as much as how disappointing the ultra presents were this season...I mean seriously, shards is basically just a slap in the face no matter the qty.


Rookie 2
elite today was 100 shard Murray, ultra was rui 94 w bb, next was 1000 Murray shards.

Side note earlier I pulled a 94 Kemba from an ultra and day 1 he was amazing now he missed everything:/


Rookie 2
I didn't get anything good from the presents but I did get 93 Bradley Beal in the Signature Boom or Bust pack


Rookie 3
I got 1000 embiid shards from ultra pack well worth it. he is the only superstar I still build and use 3 point clutch is awesome


Pro 2
Silver: 0
Gold: 0
Elite: legendary player elite, 86 kante xmas player, 250 shards, 87 Ingram xmas player
Ultra: 88 lowry xmas player


Pro 2
A lot better with today’s ultra presents. Got 2 Ghosts, some 92 & 91 Christmas players, a GT Klay, and $4400 NBA cash.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
A lot better with today’s ultra presents. Got 2 Ghosts, some 92 & 91 Christmas players, a GT Klay, and $4400 NBA cash.
Damn how many did you have I have only had 2 (94 Pippen and 90 Anunoby) one was pulled from an elite gift that gave me Pippen and the other was from reaching 175k points I won't get the one for 92 Doncic


Rookie 1
I had 1. Got 90 Gordon
Then got three ultra from 9 elite presents, 90 Gordon, 90 Gordon, 90 Gordon lmao
At least they all sold for 500k each


Pro 2
Talk about scoring. You hit it on all 6! Damn.
I had 4. Got Ghost CJ, 89 Middleton, and some other shiz that wasn't even worth remembering......
True, after not hitting on a single one of probably 12 earlier ultras. But I’ll take it .


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