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Black Friday


Rookie 1
right now, im only at 99 bf token. hope could make it to 150 and redeem one of those 88 before the campaign ends.


Pro 2
Does anyone know the deadline to trade in BF tokens in sets?

Should last at least until the end of Fall Parade, right?
That’s what we don’t know. I hope we at least get tomorrow. I’ve been holding out for an 88 lockdown pg. we got 2 88 pg in lineups that put them in opposition to Superstar cards. give Me an 88 lockdown pg with a high 3pt rating. I have the 86 Comic Curry w a 90 3pt but that card doesn’t shoot like a 90 rating. I don’t know what it is about EA and Curry and Harden cards.


Pro 2
That’s the thing pissing me off. There has been complete radio silence about the Black Friday promo. Reddit is nothing but pack pull posts. What happened to that new community manager?? Even the YT game changers have been silent. I’m holding enough tickets to get a 88 tomorrow. I’ll be more than pissed if there isn’t a new card drop.


All-Star 3
That’s the thing pissing me off. There has been complete radio silence about the Black Friday promo. Reddit is nothing but pack pull posts. What happened to that new community manager?? Even the YT game changers have been silent. I’m holding enough tickets to get a 88 tomorrow. I’ll be more than pissed if there isn’t a new card drop.
The bf gold to elite sets expire in 2 days. So assuming minimum one more (if not 2) set of 88s.
The community manager introduced himself and then disappeared
Side note .. the curry really doesn't perform.. plus horrible ai.. heard good things abt young but equally bad ai


Pro 1
The bf gold to elite sets expire in 2 days. So assuming minimum one more (if not 2) set of 88s.
The community manager introduced himself and then disappeared
Side note .. the curry really doesn't perform.. plus horrible ai.. heard good things abt young but equally bad ai
Watching a SteelCityMUT right now and he’s saying there will be 1 more set of 3 after Derozan


All-Star 1
The community manager introduced himself and then disappeared

Thought that was really odd, must not have worked out or something. But then he made a bunch of Discord posts a week ago & disappeared again. Idk wtf he does all day but he's still employed and certainly not reaching out to the community......


Rookie 1
Will there be warning when the Black Friday sets expire? I currently have around 130 tokens and am hoping that one of the good packs come out again to spend my tokens on, but I don't want to be left with nothing. If a good set comes out, should I just spend all my tickets to be safe?


Rookie 2
Opinion pls.. which set has been worth it so far for the BF sets that have already rotated? Been holding out as well. Got tempted with the sharpshooter pack as it was cheap.


All-Star 1
Opinion pls.. which set has been worth it so far for the BF sets that have already rotated? Been holding out as well. Got tempted with the sharpshooter pack as it was cheap.
Depends on your lineups. Ppl have got good things from Cornucopia and Halloween packs. But for 30 total BF tickets you could get both of the 85 Store pack Comic players. If they give us the Monthly Master token sets again, that's a no brainer to get Luka upgraded quickly


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Depends on your lineups. Ppl have got good things from Cornucopia and Halloween packs. But for 30 total BF tickets you could get both of the 85 Store pack Comic players. If they give us the Monthly Master token sets again, that's a no brainer to get Luka upgraded quickly
Yep the top chpices imo are the MM and GT packs
The Halloween pack is pretty good, I managed to get a bunch of 83s and will sell them for a good amount. Also, you get superstars shards required to upgrade. I upgraded my Zion to 83 already and AD to 82, close to 83


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