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Black Friday


Rookie 1
Now, they have DLo (Warriors), Oladipo (Pacers) and Hachimura (Wizards).

I missed out on Kyrie and I’m tempted to go with DLo now.

Black Friday set has over 3 days as counter. So I guess 3 more batches after this? Any info on who’s coming out next?


Pro 2
There will be a bunch more. One of the GameChangers said that it's confirmed there will be more but couldn't give out any specifics. So far, he teased that there would be players from 76ers, Pistons, T-Wolves, Pacers, and Wizards.
Do we know for a fact how many more drops there will be after today?


All-Star 1
Yesterday it may have been worth it, not now. It contains everything that's been released so far but its mostly Tip-Off, Halloween, & Comic players but the Comic masters sets went away today. So you're stuck with low level non-auctionable cards if you don't pull an 85/86 out of those.





Rookie 1
Its just pure luck...one team mate from 3 packs got 86 lbj and 85 booker...other team mate from 5 packs got all garbage

I wouldnt say garbage from those pics because you can trade up low level elites for higher level elites. Well not yet anyways but most likely they will release those upgrade sets soon.

I am gonna trade up when those sets become available. until then am gonna save my BF tokens until the last day and see what I can get then.

Thanks yall.

Am really liking this season so far. Am way better than I was at start of last season. Seems easier to get Elites this season too.

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
I wouldnt say garbage from those pics because you can trade up low level elites for higher level elites. Well not yet anyways but most likely they will release those upgrade sets soon.

I am gonna trade up when those sets become available. until then am gonna save my BF tokens until the last day and see what I can get then.

Thanks yall.

Am really liking this season so far. Am way better than I was at start of last season. Seems easier to get Elites this season too.
Yeah..i understand but by the time till they come elites will be extremly cheap but anyway free stuff is always good


Pro 1
Does anyone know the deadline to trade in BF tokens in sets?

Should last at least until the end of Fall Parade, right?
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