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All-Star 2020 Promo


Rookie 3
One positive thing is that EA kept the lineup optional for Showdown, league play and seasons.

With the all star weekend cards and live pass players, it’s easier to get the OVR on that lineup up than it is for the other three lineups, especially with high AS cards being cheaper than other cards with similar OVR’s.

I sniped MVP Kawhi for 4.1M and he was so good that I actually regret flipping him for 5.6M after a day. Same thing with Iverson, that I bought for 3.3 and now have up for auction. Kind of hoping he won’t sell, because he was awesome.

It’s just tempting, because I don’t have a lot of coins to spare after throwing away nearly 11M in the first month of the season, so an easy 1M profit is hard to pass up on, especially when I already have 98 Kawhi. But man, that MVP card was so good that it brought back memories of the 110 Kawhi that I grinders out throughout most of last season. Best card I’ve used all season!

99 Nate Robinson is pretty underwhelming, especially since Payton easily boosts to 98 and has better shooting and better defense. And there’s only so much that’s possible when you give high inside scoring stats to a player that is my height.. And in the street lineup, I still prefer Doncic’ height and shooting.

All in all though, even without MVP Kawhi and Iverson, my AS lineup is 98OVR, with SS, Lockdown and Street being 96, 95 and 97 respectively. So it’s by far my preferred lineup to play with, and kudos to EA for keeping it in the game post promo!


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