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Advertisement Rewards Packs?


Rookie 2
Hey guys,
Buck just showed a video opening these"Advertisement Rewards Packs?":

Any idea how to get them?
Does EA has a criteria?



Rookie 1
I get them but I stopped watching them because I realized instead of watching them and getting the rewards i could go back to the main menu and watch an ad to get stamina instead


All-Star 1
I get them but I stopped watching them because I realized instead of watching them and getting the rewards i could go back to the main menu and watch an ad to get stamina instead
Are you saying they counted against your daily ad count (usually 10)?
Are you saying they counted against your daily ad count (usually 10)?
It has nothing to do with the daily stamina ads. I get 10 daily stamina ads and 10 Advertiser packs daily. I think he was confusing these packs with the the extra bonus pack you can get by using one of your stamina ads.

ramizi ramizi some of are getting them after playing any 3 live events. I thought it was only international players like myself but looks like it makes no sense why some of us get them and others don't.
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Rookie 1
Nope you get those normally. When you get the pop up don't watch it (tap the X) and got back to the main menu you'll see a stamina ad instead

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
WTH is this?!
Never saw or get any of these packs or ads,and i finish all daily events and watch all stamina adds
Strange 🤔


Rookie 3
It has nothing to do with the daily stamina ads. I get 10 daily stamina ads and 10 Advertiser packs daily. I think he was confusing these packs with the the extra bonus pack you can get by using one of your stamina ads.

ramizi ramizi some of are getting them after playing any 3 live events. I thought it was only international players like myself but looks like it makes no sense why some of us get them and others don't.
What are the three live event?
Wonder if I can trigger that some how
A lot of people aren't getting it which is wierd. For me I just keep playing the free events until I stop getting them, always after 10packs like daily ads....

Josh Josh I just tried what you said, I lost the pack and didn't get any ad for stamina.


All-Star 1
A lot of people aren't getting it which is wierd. For me I just keep playing the free events until I stop getting them, always after 10packs like daily ads....

Josh Josh I just tried what you said, I lost the pack and didn't get any ad for stamina.
I think his correlation to the regular ads is just coincidence. I'm assuming unlike the bonus ad pack that you don't need any of your ads avaliable to trigger this ad pack?


Rookie 1
A lot of people aren't getting it which is wierd. For me I just keep playing the free events until I stop getting them, always after 10packs like daily ads....

Josh Josh I just tried what you said, I lost the pack and didn't get any ad for stamina.
Sorry bro its work for me and K kaede too lol. Try it again
I think his correlation to the regular ads is just coincidence. I'm assuming unlike the bonus ad pack that you don't need any of your ads avaliable to trigger this ad pack?
I don't need to have any ads available to trigger it.

Josh Josh I just realized I didn't press the X then close the app. I just closed the app. I will try again once it refreshes and press X before restarting the app. I'd much rather have double the stamina.

Pasasee Pasasee the packs give you one 1k quicksell, and a random token usually a gold hour token for Carter or elevate and Pennant tokens with a chance at a 90+ player.


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